Qualification are more important than ever before Made by: Kuandyk A., Sarmanova K. Checked by: Eshmakhanova A.
Plan I.Introduction 1.1 Qualification today and then 1.2 Do we need qualification for successful life? I.Main body 2.1 What you need to do to improve your skills? I.Conclusion
Qualification today and then Today, it is difficult for most people to find a good job because they have no qualification. During our parents qualification was not so important for good work at the end of secondary education, they immediately arranged to job. From 1 January 2017, comes into force the law "On the independent evaluation of the qualification", according to which workers will complete the qualification in independent special centers. They can be themselves or they will send to the employer. The exam will be paid by the employer or the employee. Independent experts will evaluate the qualifications according to professional standards, the implementation of which became mandatory for employers since July of this year.
Do we need qualification for successful life? Today young people have different employment opportunities. It is not surprising that they find it difficult to choose a future occupation. They often have to make a choice between money and job satisfaction. I think that the main concern when choosing a job should be our interests and talents. Let's start with the fact that a future career must match our personality, otherwise it won't be very successful. They don't pay much attention to the qualification but now any good job requires a higher qualification. For example, in one of the Korean companies in Kazakhstan to send their employees to Korea to improve their skills because they are very important to the professionalism of their employees
Even civil servants require qualification in our country.There are 1. Citizens claiming to hold public office must meet the established qualification requirements. 2. Qualification requirements are not established for political state positions. 3. Special qualification requirements for administrative public posts of the corps "A" are approved by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 4. Qualification requirements for administrative public positions of the building "B" are developed taking into account the main activities of the state body and its structural units, the official powers of civil servants.
What you need to do to improve your skills? One of the important things is to work the direction of your career. However, when you carry out the project's tight schedule, simultaneously conduct an interview for the next job, it's easy to overlook the big picture. It is extremely important to postpone your time and start thinking about how you can promote your career by adding new skills, qualifications and experience to your resume. Some companies have an effective system of training and professional development of personnel. However, most employers still believe that their employees should improve themselves in the profession. If your employer is of the latter category, then you should think about how to independently improve your skills in your field and thereby accelerate your career advancement.
There are several ways to improve your qualifications yourself 3.Read profile books, publications and visit professional resources Independent education is based on reading. However, it is important to select competently the sources of knowledge. Instead of viewing new videos on YouTube or on social networks, visit some professional resource, read the publications of leading experts in your field. 4.Go to profile events If your company does not pay its employees participation in training events, then you can independently visit those of them that do not require payment from participants. Some companies arrange such events on a free basis to exchange experience and expand the professional ties of their employees. In addition, from time to time the state organizes industry and interbranch professional events. Information on upcoming conferences and seminars you can search on the Internet. 5. Be proactive Your leadership may not dare to entrust you with a complex and responsible task, which requires a deeper experience and knowledge. However, there are various volunteer organizations that are ready to give enterprising beginners to show themselves. Learning and professional development is, above all, your concern. In order to achieve the best result, you should plan, implement and monitor the process of continuing education yourself. Perfection every day, and success will not take long.
Conclusion In conclusion, I want to say that to date, the qualification plays a huge role. Many employers require high qualifications to work successfully, so now qualification is very important to us. If you don't have time for training, in this case, you can develop yourself, you can read relevant books, publications, and visit the professional resources and relevant activities.