Demonstration lesson Eastern Fair Grade: 7 School #5 Teacher: G.N. Krivosheeva ( lesson-holiday) Grade: 7 School #5 Teacher: G.N. Krivosheeva ( lesson-holiday)
Aims: 1) Educational: to introduce the students with national culture of Uzbek people 2)Practical: to practice speaking for telling stories, passing the main content of their ideas; reading for specific information; writing for making up sentences; listening for details 3) Developing: to develop reading, speaking, writing and listening skills 4) Bringing: to bring up respect to the culture of Uzbek people, to wide students horizon Materials: national costumes, slides, cards, masks of geese, coat Methods: face to face, drama, puzzles, game, tests. ional:
Welcome to Holiday Fair
Welcome to Holiday
National folk character Nasreddin Afandi
Nasreddin Afandi
Characters of the national folk tales
Characters of the national folk tales
Characters of the national folk tales
Special holiday meal