Student: Danilova Darya, GRO-211 Head of research: Head of research: Apresyan K.H
Advertising - information distributed in various ways using various means, addressed to a wide range of individuals and in order to attract attention to the object of advertising. Advertising supports interest in the product and ensures its promotion in the market
Public relations is a management function that ensures the establishment and maintenance of effective communications between the organization and its public.
History of the rise of advertising
Printing machine for advertising
The first English- language newspaper Steele and Addison issued "Tatler newspaper with an article The great art of drawing up the advertising message."
Founder of advertising Benjamin Franklin
Advertising in Russia (the USSR)
History of public relations Samuel Adam and his colleagues were the founders of the principles, used in the field of public relations nowadays. Samuel Adam ()_
The term " Public relations" The term public relations was first used in 1882 by D. Eton a lawyer
Important stages in the development of public relations
Representatives of public relations Amos Kendall Phineas T. Barnum
The first independent American firm "Publicity Bureau Boston, The first independent American firm providing special services to clients J. Mikhoels
In 1904, Ivy Lee with an ex- journalist from the Buffalo George Parker, united and created an independent PR firm "Parker and Lee". Despite the short period of existence (until 1908), the company became a milestone in the history of public relations. Ivy Lee Ivy Lee: Father of a new profession
Edward Bernays – «father of PR»
PR today