Famous people. Answer the questions What is the official name of the country, which we call Great Britain? Who is the queen of the UK? What is the official.


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famous people

Answer the questions What is the official name of the country, which we call Great Britain? Who is the queen of the UK? What is the official Queens home in London? What is the capital of the UK? What river is London situated on?

Find the second part of the name 1.Charles 2.Margaret 3.John R.R. 4.Joseph 5.William 6.Daniel 7.Agatha 8.Charlie a.Chaplin b.Christie c.Shakespeare d.Defoe e.Darwin f.Thatcher g.Tolkien h.Turner

Who are they? Elizabeth IIA. ChristieM. Thatcher H. NelsonCh. DarwinCh. Chaplin

Joseph TurnerDaniel Defoe John R.R. Tolkien Mark Twain





-the official head of the UK -the residence -the Royal family - was crowned in 1952

-detective stories -famous all over the world -a queen of a crime

-the longest Prime Minister of the UK in the 20 th century -the first woman Prime Minister - the Iron Lady

-was born in 1889 in London - a family of actors -started his career of an actor in America - a man of the people -last 25 years in America

-a son of a barber -ruined abbeys and castles -landscapes and sea pictures -a master of watercolors

-a famous English writer of the 19 th century -was based on real adventures -immediately became popular -the father of English prose

- a British flag officer - participated in the Napoleonic Wars -he lost his life in the Battle of Trafalgar -his monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square

The end