Love makes the world go round
Love should not be all on one side
Love will find a way
Since the rose is the symbol of true love, It is also a symbol of St. Valentines Day My wishes to all those who are in deep love And believes in true and never dying love!
One tree can start a forest, One smile can start a friendship. One touch can show love and care. One person like you can make life beautiful!
Use the code key to find the secret message
V….is for Valentine; you are my only Valentine A… for I will Always be yours L… for Love at its most extreme E… for Everlasting love; Ecstatic love. N… for Never-ending love T… for we will Always be Together forever I… for you being Intelligent and Innocent; N….is 4 Natures naughty way of saying I luv you to E… for Eternity our love is so ever lasting.