Healthy Lifestyle Здоровый образ жизни Презентация преподавателя английского языка Голуновой Кристины Олеговны ГБПОУ «Кулебакский Металлургический Колледж»


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Healthy Lifestyle Здоровый образ жизни Презентация преподавателя английского языка Голуновой Кристины Олеговны ГБПОУ «Кулебакский Металлургический Колледж»

A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being. What does healthy lifestyle mean?

ex. 1 Translate from Russian into English: - курение - рестораны быстрого питания - вредные привычки - ожирение - следовать диете - пропускать завтрак - вызывать раковые заболевания -влиять на знания - сон мозговых центров - снизить жирность - снизить калорийность

Answer the questions: 1. Do you want to be strong and healthy? Why? 2. Why do you think that to be healthy is very important for you? 3. What bad habits are known from ancient times? 4. What are modern bad habits? 5. Are bad habits are really bad? 6. Do you smoke or drink alcohol? 7. What does it mean to keep on a diet?

ex.3 What should or shouldn`t you do to keep fit? Complete these sentences with «should or shouldn`t»: I ________ eat less to lose weight. I ________ take vitamins. I ________ sleep too much. I ________ smoke and drink alcohol. I ________ skip breakfast. I ________ go to bed in time. I ________ eat more fresh vegetables. I ________ eat too much sweets.

Ex. 4 What is really necessary to do to keep fit? Give an advice. It is necessary to … (not to…) It is important to … (not to…) You should … (shouldn`t)

ex. 5 Share your opinions on the following questions and give arguments. What things influence our health? How do you take care about your health? What kind of food is useful for health? Use language support: I think …, because … I believe …. I know … I guess … In my opinion …

Key words and phrases 1 to keep balanced/healthy diet – придерживаться сбалансированного правильного питания 2 Calorie – калория 3. Crash diet – строгая диета 4. Diet - диета / питание 5. Easy of digestion – легко усваиваемый 6. High-calorie – высококалорийный 7. Low-calorie – низкокалорийный 8. To be in a diet – быть на диете 9. To cut down on sugar / fat – ограничить употребление сахара/жирной пищи 10. to eat a healthy diet – правильно питаться 11. Vegetarian –вегетарианский

12. to give up smoking / junk food – бросить курить/ отказаться от вредной пищи 13. to go for a run / for a swim / for a walk – бегать / плавать / гулять 14. to go on a diet – сесть на диету 15. to go swimming / dancing / jogging / skiing / skating / cycling-плавать / танцевать / бегать / кататься на лыжах / кататься на коньках / ездить на велосипеде 16. to go to the gym – посещать тренажерный зал 17. to injure a knee / back – повредить колено / спину 18. to keep fit – поддерживать себя в хорошей физической форме 19. to lose weight – худеть 20. to pull a muscle – потянуть мышцу 21. to put on weight – набирать вес 22. to take vitamins – принимать витамины 23. to warm up – разминаться (перед тренировкой)

How to follow a healthy way of life? 1. Keep balanced diet 1) eat more fruit and vegetables 2) eat high protein food (eggs, meat, fish) 3) drink more water 4) avoid junk food and sweets 5) dont skip meals 6) always have breakfast 7) avoid snacks 2. Avoid stress 3. Start exercising 4. Stop smoking and drinking 5. Sleep well

Watch the video which is called How to develop healthy eating habits

Before watching the video again, study the new words 1. Matter – дело 2. Taking a new approach – принятие нового подхода 3. Prepare meals – готовить обеды 4. Sodium – натрий 5. Tip – полезная информация, совет 6. Available – доступный 7. Whole-grain food – цельно-зерновая еда 8. Lean meat – постное, нежирное мясо 9. Nutrition labels – этикетки 10. To pay attention – уделять внимание 11. Saturated – насыщенный

12. Rev up metabolism – ускорять метаболизм 13. To aim – стремиться, ставить целью 14. Snack – перекус, закуска 15. Hydrate – наполнять влагой; увлажнять 16. To aid the digestive system – помогать пищеварительной системе 17. Stamina – выносливость, стойкость 18. A study found – опрос обнаружил 19. Obese – страдающий ожирением 20. Obesity - ожирение

Watch the video How to develop healthy eating habits once again

Read the text Good health is just a matter of taking a new approach to eating and making simple changes. Step 1: Cook your own meals Cook and prepare your own meals as often as you can. This will help you avoid eating processed and fast food, which are higher in sodium and fat. Tip - healthy, low-fat recipes are available in bookstores and on the internet. Step 2: Make a shopping list Plan healthy meals and make a shopping list. Fill your cart with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole-grain foods, and lean meats. Step 3: Read nutrition labels. Pay attention to saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. The higher their numbers, the unhealthier they are.

Step 4: Eat breakfast every day. Breakfast helps to rev up your metabolism. Make it a habit to eat something within the first hour after you wake up. Step 5: Eat every three to four hours Try to eat small meals every three to four hours. Aim for three small, balanced meals and two snacks. Step 6: Drink plenty of water Drink plenty of water every day. Water hydrates the body and aids the digestive system. And it's calorie-free! Step 7: Feel the difference Feel the difference in your body -- more energy and stamina -- as well as sharper thinking as you feed your body healthy foods.

I agree / disagree with the statement … because