What should tourists do when they visit different countries? Dress right
What clothes is suitable when it is cold/hot/rainy/sunny?
Blouse- блузка Skirt- юбка High heels- высокие каблуки Cap- кепка T-shirt- футболка Trainers- кроссовки Scarf- шарф Gloves- перчатки Jacket- куртка Trousers- брюки Boots- ботинки
Shirt- рубашка Tie- галстук Сoat- пальто Umbrella- зонтик Shoes- туфли Hat- шляпа Raincoat- плащ Jumper- джемпер Suit- костюм Dress- платье Bag- сумка
What is it? a skirt
What kind of skirt? long short-
tight - loose
What is it? a coat
What kind of coat? shortlong
It is time to have a rest
Asking about clothes AskingAnswering How do I look in this? How does this look on me? What do you think of my (dress)? Do I look all right in this? It/They look(s) great/fabulous on you. You look lovely/great. It/They suit(s) you perfectly. Im not sure it/they suit(s) you. That/Those look(s) terrible on you.