Work completed by Kirill Murugov. Far East Amur leopard - the rarest cat in the world. Usually, when it comes to leopards, humans represent the African.


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Work completed by Kirill Murugov

Far East Amur leopard - the rarest cat in the world. Usually, when it comes to leopards, humans represent the African Savannah with lots of animals. But few people know that in the far East inhabits the rarest subspecies of these wild cats, which are called the Amur leopard. From other felids and its representatives are characterized by several distinctive features. In summer, the wool length is 2.5 cm, and in winter increases to 7 cm.

The color of the fur in winter, bright with reddish-yellow tint, and in summer it is dominated by saturated and bright colors. In addition, these Northern predators have longer legs, allowing them to conveniently move around in deep snow.

Head rounded shape. Eyes are blue-green or blue-gray with vertical oval pupils. Feet strong with powerful retractable claws dark brown, and white at the tips. As body chaotically scattered clearly defined solid black rings or individual spots resembling a power- point.

Far Eastern leopards prefer solitary and nocturnal. Each animal reserves the plot on which to hunt. In males, this area reaches to 450 square meters. km., and females are much less square meters. km. Animals often use roads and trails, done by man. People are not afraid, do not attack and try to get away unnoticed, and from the places of permanent human presence are gone forever. Very rarely, some of the males after mating with the females remain, forming a family. These wild cats are excellent climb trees and rocks. For short distances, run fast, a top speed of 55 km / h., And do not like to swim at all.

The Amur leopard is the most representative of the rare felines. Its numbers start to decline sharply in the early twentieth century. Spotting predators exterminated in masses for their extremely beautiful fur. On the black market, especially skin is prized and some bodies of leopards, which were used in non- traditional Chinese medicine. In addition, a stronger competitor food Amur tiger also displaces Panthers uprooted. The disappearance of the Far Eastern leopard is now a global problem, so it is included not only in the Red Book of Russia, but also in the International Red Book.

Q&A 1) What is the length of leopard's wool in winter? 2) Because of what the leopards are dying? 3) What color are the eyes of the leopard? 4) Do leopards like to swim? 5) What is the highest speed of the leopard?

Thats all. Good Bye. (Пока, работяги)