Butterflies are flying insects. They live in most parts of the world, even as far north as the Arctic. Butterflies have many colours, they can be beg and small.
One of the smallest lives in South Africa. The largest is the Queen Alexandra that is as big as a bird.
All butterflies begin their lives as caterpillars which appear from eggs. The caterpillars spend their lives eating plants. They change their skin several time as they grow. Than caterpillars turns into a chrysalis, from which a butterflies comes out.
Some butterflies fly from one part of the world to another during some seasons.
One of the most famous is the monarch butterflies in North America.
In the summer it lives all over he USA and Canada. In the autumn monarch butterflies fly south to Mexico, Florida and California for the winter. In spring they fly back again. Dragonflies, beetles, ladybirds and moths have their interesting and unusual stories.
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