Our school 3 not for selеct, it is mass school undert aking anоbligation - to provide to any schoolboy possibility to study it is been in strength, to occupy on interests. The basic function of school is realization of educatio nal process for realization of the government educational programs education : primary general, basic universal, secondary (complete) general, educating and de velopment of student. Tasks of school : 1. Ensuring the effective and quality education for students in the time limit, extracurricular, extra curricular activities and additional education. 2. Increase competence of teachers in the light of new legal requirements of methodical documents through increased efforts in the teaching unions, creative groups, methodical council of the school and stimulating professional activity. 3. Education school readiness to participate in the economic, socio-political and cultural life through the formation of moral beliefs, culture, behavior, healthy lifestyle and aesthetic taste. 4. The extension information space of the school for students, teachers and society through the diffusion of ICT, design of information products in various forms and their wide practical use.
Born of our school - September 1, In 1989, the city has made it a truly royal gift: a large bright building with three gyms, a swimming pool, conservatory, cozy assembly hall. The project is designed for 975 students, but today it is trained 1100 student 35 nationalities. Training is conducted in Russian. Branches and divisions nо. Sokolovskaya Tatiana Nikolaevna 2013 adequately headed constellation restless, always being in a creative search for colleagues and teachers.
In elementary grades five days and learn to 4 lessons per day from senior Conventionally six days and learn to 6 lessons per day.I love my school and proud of it.
Our school is strong for its traditions. Since 1989, the school has its own anthem, whose words are passed from older to younger, from the novice to the veteran, as the memory of graduates in 1989, gave his beloved school and as a symbol of unity of the children's collective. His singing teachers and students in all occasions of school life. In 1989 it was established another tradition. The winners of school and city Olympiads, competitions, contests, festivals awarded sweet cake. His award - the culmination of the most traditional holidays and business. And such was the nemalo.Traditsionnym and souvenir "Forget-Me" as a symbol of unforgettable school years. Awarded souvenir graduate school on the holiday "last call."