Portraits Week 1-4 Dr. Anna Phillips Grade 7 NIS
Learning Objectives 1N7.5 Recognize how to manipulate ideas information and sources with increasing independence, insight and control and documentation /plan in a sketch book 1N72 Apply understanding of techniques and qualities of media in informed and sensitive ways. 2N7.6//2N7.5 Understand and use elements of art and design with a sense of purpose and value for individual expression. 2N7.2 Use visual qualities to create effects and express ideas, perceptions, experiences and inventions
What is a Portrait (noun) Picture of a person Representation or Likeness visual description Picture of a persons face It can be a painting or a drawing, photograph, sketch Visual rendering of a persons face Creative expression of emotion and feelings
Portraiture What is a portrait ? Image of a head, Face, nose, mouth ears, neck, hair, ears Can depict emotional feeling, sad, happy, in love, despair, angry, contempt, fear In Art history there are many different styles, types of portraits
Through-out Art History people have always made representations of the body and the face. Portraits contain emotion, we have to be able to read a portrait to understand the purpose and context of its being, and what the artists was intending to show when they made the portrait
Portraits from History African Tribal Masks
Classical Roman Portraits
Medieval Portraits
English Portraits Sir Joshua Reynolds
19 th century French portraits Matisse
Vincent Van Gogh
Fauve Artist Derain
Edvard Munch The Scream
Degas Absinthe 1893
French Impressionist Renoir
German Expressionism
What is the emotion depicted in these portraits?
-Draw a portrait of somebody in your family showing an emotion and bring it back to class next lesson -Complete the proportion exercise started in class time