Lesson 1 Grammar and Conversational tasks. What does he look like?


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Lesson: Grammar Subject: Present Simple and the Present Continuous Tense.

Lesson 1 Grammar and Conversational tasks

What does he look like?

What does she look like?

What does he look like?

Whats your Job? - What do you do? - Im a graphic designer. - Who do you work for? - Greentrees Graphics ltd. - Is your office near your home? - Yes, it is. It takes me only 15 minutes to work. - How many offices does your company have? - Three. Our main office is in London. - Where do you work - I usually work in Bristol. - How often do you travel? - I dont travel very much these days. - How many days holidays do you get? - Eighteen, excluding bank holidays.

Whats your Job? - What do you…? - Im a graphic …. - Who do you …? - Greentrees Graphics…. - Is your office near … ? - It takes me only 15 …. - How many offices does your…? - Three. Our main office is in …. - Where do you … ? - I usually work in …. - How often do you …? - I dont travel very much …. - How many days holidays do …? - Eighteen, excluding bank ….

Whats your Job? - What …? - Im a …. - Who …? - Greentrees …. - Is your …? - It takes me …. - How many …? - Three. Our main…. - Where … ? - I usually…. - How often ….? - I dont travel…. - How many days …? - Eighteen, excluding ….

Present Simple to be Positive Sentences I amat work. He She It isat the office. We You They areon a business trip.

Present Simple to be Negative Sentences Iam not / m not at work. He She It is not/ isntin the office. We You They are not/ arenton a business trip.

Present Simple to be Interrogative Sentences AmIat work? Is he she it in the office? Are we you they on a business trip?

Present Simple to have Positive Sentences I We You They havea job. He She It hasA job I We You They have got ve got a job. He She It has got s gota job.

Present Simple to have Interrogative Sentences Do I we you they have a job? Does he she it have a job? Have I we you they got a job? Has he she it got a job?

Present Simple to have Negative Sentences I We You They do not have dont have a job. He She It does not have doesnt have a job. I We You They have not got havent got a job. He She It has not got hasnt got a job.

Present Simple Positive Sentences I We You They workin the office. He She It worksin the office.

Present Simple Negative Sentences I We You They do not /dont work in the office. He She It does not/ doesnt work in the office.

Present Simple Interrogative Sentences Do I we you they work in the office? Does he she It work in the office?

Present Simple Interrogative Sentences Wheredo I we you they work? Wheredoes he she It work?

Telling Times Whats the time? What time is it now? 8:00 Its eight oclock 10:03 Its ten oh three. Its three minutes past ten. 9:10 Its nine ten. Its nine past ten. 7:15 Its seven fifteen. Its a quarter past seven. 9:30 Its nine thirty. Its half past nine. 6:40 Its six forty. Its twenty to seven. 5:45 Its five forty five. Its a quarter to six. 12:00 Its noon. Its midday 24:00 Its midnight

Telling Times

Daily routine. Sleep Wake up Lie in bed/have a lie in Get up Go to bed Go to sleep/fall asleep Have a late night/have an early night Oversleep Have a sleep

Daily routine. Food Have breakfast/lunch/dinner Have a snack Make/cook breakfast Feed somebody

Daily routine. Keeping clean Have a shower/a bath Have a shave Have a wash Clean/brush the teeth Wash hair

Daily routine. Spare time Stay in Go out Have friends for dinner Come round Play cards/computer games Watch TV/video Surf the Internet

Daily routine. Housework Do the shopping Do the ironing Do the washing Do the cleaning Do the washing up Do the cooking

Choose the correct form of Present Simple Tense: 1. Nike Inc. have/has its headquarters in the US near Beaverton, Oregon. 2. It is/are the worlds leading supplier of athletic shoes and sports equipment. 3. The name Nike come/comes from Nike, the Greek goddess of victory. 4. Nike do not/does not market its products only under its own brand. 5. It also sometimes uses/use names such as Air Jordan and Team Starter. 6. Because Nike create /creates goods it always have/has competition from every sport s fashion brand. 7. Another global leader in the sporting industry are/is the Adidas group. 8. Products from the Adidas group are/is available in virtually every country in the world. 9. Its head offices is not/are not in the USA but in Germany. 10. Adidass various companies produces/produce more than just sport goods. 11. The company also operate/operates design studios and developments departments.

Check yourselves: 1. Nike Inc. has its headquarters in the US near Beaverton, Oregon. 2. It is the worlds leading supplier of athletic shoes and sports equipment. 3. The name Nike comes from Nike, the Greek goddess of victory. 4. Nike does not market its products only under its own brand. 5. It also sometimes uses names such as Air Jordan and Team Starter. 6. Because Nike creates goods it always has competition from every sport fashion brand. 7. Another global leader in the sporting industry is the Adidas group. 8. Products from the Adidas group are available in virtually every country in the world. 9. Its head offices are not in the USA but in Germany. 10. Adidass various companies produce more than just sport goods. 11. The company also operates design studios and developments departments.

There are different ways of saying the same things when we meet. Which phrases in 1-9 say the same things as those in a-i? Meeting people 1 1 Hello 2 My name is… 3 Pleased to meet you. 4 What do you do? 5 I work for… 6 Im a… 7 Where do you work? 8 Where are you from? 9 Im from… Meeting people 2 a Im with… b I come from… c Hi. d Where are you based? e Where do you come from? f Whats your job? g Im… h My job is… i Nice to meet you…

There are different ways of saying the same things when we meet: Meeting people1 1 Hello. 2 My name is… 3 Pleased to meet you. 4 What do you do? 5 I work for… 6 Im a… 7 Where do you work? 8 Where are you from? 9 Im from… Meeting people 2 c Hi. g Im … i Nice to meet you. f Whats your job? a Im with… h My job is to… d Where are you based? e Where do you come from? b I come from…

ИМЕНА СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ В РОЛИ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ Существительное в притяжательном падеже служит определением к другому, следующему за ним существительному: the manager's signature подпись заведующего; the captain's cabin капитанская каюта (каюта ка­ питана). Однако существительное может служить определением к другому существительному, когда оно стоит перед ним и в общем падеже, т. е. без всякого изменения своей формы. Такое существительное переводится на русский язык прилагательным или существительным в одном из косвенных падежей

ИМЕНА СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ В РОЛИ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ an iron bridge cane sugar sugar сапе life insurance a payment agreement the cotton market tin trade железный мост тростниковый сахар сахарный тростник страхование жизни соглашение о платежах рынок хлопка торговля оловом

ИМЕНА СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ В РОЛИ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ Во многих случаях существительному предшествует не одно, а два или более существительных в роли определения. При переводе на русский язык одни определения могут переводиться прилагательными, а другие существительными в одном из косвенных падежей

ИМЕНА СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ В РОЛИ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ home market prices meat price decrease cotton yarn production figures wholesale prices index product development strategies market research programme цены внутреннего рынка уменьшение цены на мясо цифры производства хлопчатобумажной пряжи индекс оптовых цен стратегии разработки продукта программа исследования рынка

Переведите на русский язык: Trade talks Consumer goods Food sales Exchange rate Flax production Long-term credits. Power station equipment Coal supply situation World cotton stocks Long-term marketing strategy Consumer tastes Consumer patterns Product launch strategies

The Article Indefinite A/An Definite The No article 0

Indefinite article (a/an) Употребляется только с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, когда лицо или предмет не знакомы и упоминаются впервые. He has a sister and a brother С названиями профессий. He is a manager.

Definite article (the) Определенный артикль употребляется с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными, как в единственном так и во множественном числе, когда лицо или предмет знакомы или известны говорящим. Не has a sister and a brother. The sister and the brother are very much alike

Definite article (the) C названиями некоторых стран: The USA, The UK С названиями рек, морей, озер, океанов: The Black Sea, The Pacific Ocean С названиями горных цепей и групп островов: The Urals, The British Isles С названиями сторон света: The North, The South

Definite article (the) С прилагательными в превосходной степени: The best, the most interesting C порядковыми числительными: The first, the second, the third C предметами уникальными единственными в своем роде: The Moon, The Sun

Definite article (the) С фамилиями во множественном числе: The Browns, The Smith С национальностями во множественном числе: The Russians, The Americans В некоторых устойчивых выражениях: In the morning, Round the corner

No article Артикль не употребляется: -с именами и фамилиями людей Jane Smiths -с названиями стран, городов и улиц London, Russia, Downing Street -с количественными числительными Page 10, room 5

Past Simple Positive Sentences I We You He She It They started got a new job.

Past Simple Negative sentences I We You He She It They did not (didnt) start get a new job.

Past Simple Questions Did I we you he she it they start get a new job?

Future Simple Markers Next On Monday On the 10 th of April In five years Probably Perhaps Possibly Evidently

Future Simple Positive Sentences I We You He She It They will starta new job next month.

Future Simple Negative Sentences I We You He She It They will not (wont) start a new job next month.

Future Simple Questions Will I we you he she it they starta new job next month?

Future Simple Questions Whenwill I we you he she it they starta new job?

The Plural of the English Nouns Множественное число английских существительных

The Plural of the English Nouns Forming plural of English nouns by adding the ending – s s is pronounced: [z] after voiced consonants and vowels: [s] after voiceless consonants: [iz] after sibilants: A table - tables, A book - books, Flowers, beds, boys caps, books, hats noses, horses, bridges

If the noun ends in -s, - ss, -x, -z, -sh, -ch, -tch, - o the plural is formed by adding -es (pronounced [iz], [z] after –o) bus - buses glass - glasses box - boxes brush - brushes potato - potatoes

If the noun ends in -y preceded by a consonant, -y is changed into - i before –es If the final -y is preceded by a vowel there is no vowel change The nouns ending in -f, - fe change it into -V (both in spelling and pronunciation fly – flies army-armies lady – ladies day - days boy - boys wife - wives leaf - leaves

There are seven nouns which form the plural by changing the root vowel man – men woman - women [wuman] - ['wimin] foot - feet tooth - teeth goose - geese mouse – mice louse - lice

There are two nouns which form the plural in -en In some nouns the plural form does not differ from the singular ox – oxen child – children deer, sheep, swine, fish, trout, dozen, aircraft, salmon

Some words borrowed from Latin or Greek keep their Latin or Greek plural forms phenomenon - phenomena datum - data crisis - crises stimulus - stimuli formula - formulae index - indices antenna – antennae medium - media

editor-in-chief mother-in-law hotel keeper

editors-in-chief mothers-in-law hotel-keepers

ox-eye-daisy merry-go-round see-saw

ox-eye-daisies merry-go-rounds see-saws

Possessive case Существительное в притяжательном падеже обозначает принадлежность предмета, служит определением к другому существительному, отвечает на вопрос чей, на русский язык переводится прилагательным или существительным в одном из косвенных падежей.

Singular Directors car Waitresss job Childs toy Custom -houses order Pete and Jacks office Plural Directors cars Waitresses jobs Childrens toys Custom-houses orders