Засоление почв натрием The degradation of soil & water are among Australia's most urgent environmental problems. This country is afflicted with large areas of non-saline soil containing large amounts of exchangeable sodium (& magnesium); this has a major impact on land & water management. These soils disperse easily leading to high soil strength (causing poor plant germination, root development), low permeability (causing water runoff, erosion) and degradation of waterways. The projects described below are aimed at understanding these sodic soils
Soil Horizons A blackLeaching zone: roots here (topsoil) B redAccumulating zone: nutrients (subsoil) C rockyWeathered bedrock D solid Bedrock Horizons subject to erosion Black color is caused by organic particles Prevented by: Mulching Proper cultivation Perennial planting Rotting material makes humus particles Improve drainage (air capacity) Increase water holding capacity Increase nutrient holding capacity leaves, grass clippings, compost, green manure, horse manure
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Эрозия Source: Ramesh Venkatakrishnan Headed for the Sea
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Противоэрозионные мероприятия
Crop Rotation This is a technique where farmers rotate crops from year to year to help keep certain nutrients in the soil.
No-Till Agriculture This is a technique where farmers leave debris on the fields to allow for the soil to be enriched with its nutrients.
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