Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) of Bukhara Avicenna (Ibn Sina) is the great physician, scientist of Arabian Caliphate.


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Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

of Bukhara Avicenna (Ibn Sina) is the great physician, scientist of Arabian Caliphate.

Biography Avicenna was born in Afshane

Special attention to philosophers drew attention to the essay on the metaphysics of Avicenna (used the comment to "Metaphysics" Aristotle).

Book one of the central places in the writings of Avicenna is the Book of healing. «The book of healing»

"Canon of medicine" Encyclopaedic Composition, in which the requirements of ancient medics are sensible and recycled in accordance with the achievements of Arab medicine.


Statue of Avicenna in Hamedan. Iran. April 28, 1954 in Hamadan Avicenna monument was raised.

Death of Avicenna Tomb Of Avicenna. Avicenna died July 18, 1037 in Hamadan during the Trek the Emir Alaud- Daula.

In honor of Avicenna Linnaeus called the genus of flowering plants in the family acanthaceae- Avicennia.

Medical university of a name of Avicenna in Dushanbe

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