Later forms of toxicoses of pregnant Khamidullaev Muhkammadali
The rare toxicosis of pregnant are: Dermatoses Jaundice pregnant Yellow atrophy of the liver Bronchial asthma Tetany Osteomalacia Dermatoses Jaundice pregnant Yellow atrophy of the liver Bronchial asthma Tetany Osteomalacia
Dermatoses Dermatoses of pregnancy include a group of skin diseases that occur only during pregnancy. The most common pregnancy itching that can spread throughout the body. The woman is getting worse overall health, irritability occurs, sleep is disturbed.
Рисунок: Дерматозы беременности: a – herpes gectationis; б – purpura gravidarum; в – impetigo herpetiformis.
Pemphigoid pregnant (PP) Pemphigoid pregnant, formerly known as herpes gestationis, is the rarest of skin disorders in pregnancy. PP initially manifests as papules and plaques transforming into vesiculobullous elements. For PP characterized by the appearance of lesions in the navel with the spread on the chest, back and limbs.
Polymorphic dermatosis of pregnancy (PDP) PDP is a benign, itchy inflammatory disease with a frequency of 1 in 160 pregnancies. It usually occurs late in the third trimester or immediately after delivery at the first pregnancy increases the risk of multiple pregnancies, and rapid weight gain. Urticarial papules and plaques first appear on the abdomen
Atopic dermatosis of pregnant (ADP) ADP is the most common skin disease in pregnant women, which accounts for almost 50% of all dermatoses. ADP is a benign disease characterized by itchy eczematous or papular rash. Develops up to the third trimester in contrast to other dermatoses of pregnancy. On the fruit dermatosis is not significantly affected, but there is an increased risk of developing atopic dermatitis in the infant.
Osteomalacia Osteomalacia (osteomalacia) - is a violation of the vitamin metabolism with a large deficit of vitamin D. Lack of this vitamin causes some pregnant disorder phosphorus calcium metabolism and depletion of bone calcium and soften them. The bones are pliable and flexible. It affects mainly the bones of the pelvis and spine; later - the limbs and chest. The first symptoms of osteomalacia occur only during pregnancy and are characterized by aching in the sacrum, back, pelvis and legs. The gait becomes uncertain ( "duck") because of contractures resulting thigh muscles.
Рисунок: Начинающаяся остеомаляция. Контрактура приводящих мышц бедра.
Yellow atrophy of the liver Acute illness with fat and protein degeneration of liver cells. The rapid resorption and collapse of the cells significantly reduced the liver appears jaundice, severe nerve disorders and other phenomena. The development of acute yellow atrophy, in addition to the general intoxication, contributes to reducing the amount of glycogen in liver cells due to starvation. Therefore, acute yellow atrophy of the liver in pregnant women can be the result of uncontrollable vomiting.
Tetany of pregnant There is in violation of the parathyroid glands, which leads to a significant disruption of calcium metabolism in the body. Clinically, the disease manifests itself in the form of muscle spasms of the upper and lower extremities, rarely muscles of the face and body.
Tetany of pregnant: "the obstetrician's hand", "ballerina foot.
Jaundice pregnant Its main clinical manifestations are liver damage, jaundiced staining of the skin, itching. When the decision of the diagnosis pregnant urgently hospitalized and interrupt the pregnancy at any stage.
Bronchial asthma The cause of asthma is of pregnant hypofunction of the parathyroid glands in violation of calcium metabolism. Besides the occurrence of asthma in pregnant women contributes to the physiological depression of immunity, increased allergic disposition of the body due to hormonal changes.
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