My future profession Nusipkanova Moldir 106 gr.
There are many interesting and noble professions.
This question set to me very often. Every job has its elements of difficulties and interest. Whom would I like to become? ВЫПУСКНИК 2009
! ? ! But to choose the right occupation is very difficult, because we must take in to consideration many factors.
We must consider our personal taste and our kind of mind. At the same time we must satisfy the requirements of our society and peoples needs in one profession or another.
My future profession is a doctor.
Everybody knows the symbol of medicine is the snake giving its poison into the cup. It means wisdom and healing- the aims of medicine.
But there is one more, less famous symbol which reflects the inner essence of this profession. It was left by a famous doctor from Amsterdam Nickolas van Tulp. This is a burning candle. It means "Allis inserviendo consumor", that is translated into English as " Giving light to others I burn myself''.
I think that nearly all the professions are very important in life.
I like this profession and I am eager to get a medical education and work at a hospital.
To be a good doctor means to be honest, unselfish, hardworking and attentive to people. Love for man and optimism as well as the ability to read what is in patient's heart are the most important features of a doctor. He must also do his best to gain the confidence of patient and impart to him faith, willpower and hope.
Medical students must remember that to treat patients is a great art but not an ordinary trade. It is one of the professions which requires a real calling for it.