Moscow attractions Ученицы 11-А класса МБОУ СОШ 13 Ильясовой Элины.


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Moscow attractions Ученицы 11-А класса МБОУ СОШ 13 Ильясовой Элины

Red Square Red Square is the most popular place of interest in Moscow. It is the central square of Russian capital. Red Square is used for military parades and serves as a venue for concerts of famous performers. Let's see what attractions are located on the Red Square.

Kremlin Can not say a few sentences about the Kremlin. Moscow Kremlin is situated at the heart of Moscow and serves as the official residence of President. More than 100 Soviet heroes were buried by the Kremlin Wall. The word «Kremlin» is often used to indicate the Russian government.

Lenins Mausoleum Can not but mention about the place where everyone can look at the "father of the Revolution" - of the Mausoleum of Lenin. Lenins Mausoleum can be seen in Red Square, anyone can visit it to look at the embalmed body of Vladimir Lenin. One cant take a camera inside the Mausoleum, it is strictly forbidden to film or take pictures. The mausoleum has hidden depths inside, it looks smaller from the outside.

Saint Basils Cathedral St. Basil's Cathedral is also located in the Square. In the middle of the 16th century Ivan the Terrible ordered to build the Cathedral. After the Cathedral was built it was white and the onion domes werent patterned and multi-colored as nowadays.

The Statue of Minin and Pozharsky Prince Dmitry Pozharsky is known for leading Russian forces against the invaders from Poland and Lithuania. Kuzma Minin was a merchant, he became a national hero together with Pozharsky.

Kazan Cathedral Cathedral has one more name Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan. The building which people see nowadays is the reconstruction, the old one was ruined at the direction of Joseph Stalin. Kazan Cathedral can be found on the northeast corner of Red Square.

G U M The sights are not only a museum, it's all that attracts the attention of residents and tourists. GUM is the Russian abbreviation, it is translated literally as «main universal store». GUM is located opposite the Mausoleum.

Kitay-gorod It is not difficult to guess the correct translation for this place - China Town. Kitay-gorod, which is also called Great Possad, is located near Red square. «Kitay» originates from «kita», which is an obsolete word for plait.