ҚР ДЕНСАУЛЫҚ САҚТАУ МИНИСТРЛІГІ С.Д.АСФЕНДИЯРОВ АТЫНДАҒЫ ҚАЗАҚ ҰЛТТЫҚ МЕДИЦИНА УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov
The definition of endocarditis Classification The causes Rheumatic endocarditis – the main form of endocarditis The symptoms of the rheumatic endocarditis The examination of the rheumatic endocarditis
The definition of "endocarditis" includes damage internal lining of the heart of an inflammatory nature. Mainly affected the valve unit, rarely changes are localized on the endocardium endings.
The basic meaning of the clinic three forms of Endocarditis: Rheumatoid. Subacute septic Acute septic
Etiology and pathogenesis of rheumatic endocarditis are the same and rheumatism. As is now common etiologic relationship of rheumatic fever with streptococcal infection.
Rheumatism - a systemic inflammatory disease affecting mainly the connective tissue of the cardiovascular system. Cause of rheumatic fever is a beta- hemolytic streptococcus group A. In most cases, rheumatism develops after a sore throat. Rheumatic fever affects all layers of the heart: the endocardium, myocardium and pericardium.
The clinical picture of rheumatoid endocarditis is determined by the following factors : 1) activity of rheumatic process; 2) the state apparatus and the valve of the heart muscle; 3) central infection.
The blood analysis revealed moderate leucocytosis and an elevated ESR. The electrocardiogram showed the changes in the most important readings. On percussion the doctor determined the heart to be slightly enlarged. These findings of the physical examination were confirmed by the X-ray examination.
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