Достопримечательности Москвы (Английский)


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The Moscow Kremlin - the oldest part of Moscow, the main socio-political, spiritual, religious, historical and artistic complex of the capital, the official.

Hello! Today Im your guide. I want to tell you about London. London is the capital of the UK. London is a very big and beautiful city. London has many.
Презентацию подготовила учитель английского языка МОУ «СОШ п. Пробуждение» Гришина Юлия Юрьевна.
Проект выполнила ученица 7 «А» класса Павлова Алёна Places of Interest in Moscow.
Is the capital of Russia.. Hi! My name is Kate. Im in 5 th form. Im from Potma. I was in Moscow last summer. And I want to tell you about Moscow. My name.
MOSCOW Made by Ponomaryova Tanya Form 8 «V». Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic, commercial and cultural centre. Moscow was founded.
«Welcome to Moscow» Project Made by Ignatyuk Sasha Form 8.
Yaroslavl features Yaroslavl is one of the oldest Russian cities that was founded in the 11th century and reached its heyday in the 17th century. The city.
Ekaterina Pogoda, Form 10 «А» School #5 Stary Oskol.
Moscow Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic, commercial and cultural centre. It was founded 8 centuries ago by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky.
Moscow attractions Ученицы 11-А класса МБОУ СОШ 13 Ильясовой Элины.
Location Who is bordered Major Cities AttractionsRussia is the largest countries in the world. It occupies about one-seventh part of dry land. It is situated.
The Kremlin was ordered to be built by Yuri Dolgorukiy in The Kremlin is located on the high left bank of the Moscow River - Borovitsky Hill.
Presentation in English on "Russia" Presentation in English by the student of class 8 MBOU "School 12 UIOP" Churkinа Anastasia.
Урок-презентация в 7 классе What Do You Know About the Capital of Your Country?
Presentation on English language On a theme «Moscow - capital of Russia» Has executed: The schoolgirl 8b a class Kartashova Irina.
THE MOSCOW KREMLIN and RED SQUARE Выполнила: ученица класса МАОУ Гимназии 36 Выполнила: ученица класса МАОУ Гимназии 36.
Baranovichy Travel Guide Baranovichy is a city in western-central Belarus in Brest Oblast. It is 6 largest city in the country. Baranovichy is large railway.
Travelling Abroad Выполнил: Ученик 5 «Г» класса МОУ лицея «Созвездие» 131 г.о.Самара Емелин Михаил Учитель: Злобина Ираида Григорьевна.
St. Petersburg fortress palace museum square park Cathedrals & churches gallery monument.

And Eldzhan Aliev

Orthodox temple located on red square in Moscow. Widely known monument of Russian architecture..

Television and radio tower located in the Ostankino district of Moscow. Height 540 m, the 8th in the world. Construction

Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church The existing structure implemented in ies the external reconstruction of the Church of the same name, created in the XIX century.

Moscow Metro Many stations of the Moscow metro is known for highly artistic decoration in the style of socialist realism. The first line opened on 15 may 1935 and went from the station "Sokolniki" station "Park Kultury",

Red square the centre of Moscow there are many attractions: Lenin Mausoleum, Spassky tower, St. Basil's Cathedral!