Выполнил: Филиппова Ю.В., учитель английского языка, УР, г. Ижевск.
Table manners are the rules of etiquette used while eating, which may also include the correct use of utensils. ( Столовые приборы ).
B RAINSTORM Say how to set the table. Example: bbbjg Butter plate Napkin Salad fork Dinner fork Soup spoon Dessert spoon Knife Plate Cup and saucer You should put a knife to the right of the plate.
Grammar Modal Verb Should/shouldnt Fill in the blanks with should/ shouldnt 1. You ___________ wash your hands before eating. 2. You ___________ sit up straight. 3. You ___________ place your napkin on your lap. 4. You ___________ eat with your fingers. 5. You ___________ put your elbows on the table. 6. You ___________ ask for something to be passed to you. 7. You ___________ put your dirty knife, spoon on your table. 8. You ___________ talk with your mouth full. 9. You ___________ lick your fingers. 10. You __________ say Thank you after the meal.
YOU SHOULDNT YOU SHOULD Lick your fingers Put your elbows on the table Talk with your mouth full Eat with your fingers Say thank you when you finish your meal Use your knife and fork, or spoon Sit up straight Use a napkin REMEMBER!
S ONG M ANNERS, MANNERS …… Song Manners, manners…
E NJOY YOUR MEAL ! Thank you for the lesson!