One of the problems facing humanity -. At the present time, because of its scale, it is particularly relevant. By making a particular product, we should.


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One of the problems facing humanity -. At the present time, because of its scale, it is particularly relevant. By making a particular product, we should take into account not only the customer benefits but also its impact on the environment during production and disposal. That is the question about the future have lost their quality of consumer products is a major concern. Today, humanity has accumulated so much waste that seriously faced with the problem of disposal.

Materials and packing construction and household materials chemicals and rubber (toxic) industrial wastes (toxic)

1. landfills organization 2. recycling of waste 3. incineration

But In large numbers give off noxious and toxic chemicals. not all the garbage is burning waste contains a lot of moisture and hard-combustible materials

toxic substances get into the groundwater, collapsing winds around the neighborhood and thereby harm the environment. as a result of various processes of putrefaction gases are produced without air in landfills fires occur regularly at which soot is emitted, phenol and other toxic substances

At first, such a dump drain to prevent the penetration of water from the landfill into groundwater aquifers. secondly, they vent to prevent the formation of flammable and poisonous gases third trash in a landfill is poured so that its surface is flat

but there are a number of problems: 1. trash must be sorted 2. waste delivery to the processing site 3. waste can not be used as a raw material for the production of high-quality products

active pollution has led to a global environmental problem of the destruction of human existence- medium