WHAT'S SPECIAL ABOUT IT Vitamin C or ascorbic acid builds healthy teeth, gums, normalizes, and bone; in addition, vitamin C promotes the healing of wounds and bone fractures, and ascorbic acid improves the scarring of the skin;
WHAT'S SPECIAL ABOUT IT Ascorbic acid prevents scurvy and beriberi; Vitamin C, as well as, ascorbic acid improves the immune system;
WHAT'S SPECIAL ABOUT IT Vitamin C reduces the risk of disease, acute respiratory disease, SARS, and ascorbic acid accelerates their treatment;
WHAT'S SPECIAL ABOUT IT Vitamin C also helps strengthen blood vessels;
WHAT'S SPECIAL ABOUT IT Vitamin C is also considered to be one of the main required by the human body of antioxidants.
WHAT'S SPECIAL ABOUT IT Vitamin C can contribute to the growth and proper formation of cells and improve proper assimilation of calcium
WHAT'S SPECIAL ABOUT IT In addition, vitamin C is involved in restoring and maintaining the health of soft Krasikov, bone tissues, teeth and gums, and also helps to minimize the potential formation of thrombi and hematomas in different.
WHAT'S SPECIAL ABOUT IT From the point of view of Dr. Linus Pauling, who is the main expert in this area, vitamin C also at 75% reduced risk of developing several kinds of cancer.
BE HEALTHY! thank you for your attention