G ENRES OF L ITERATURE Fiction Non-Fiction Poetry.


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G ENRES OF L ITERATURE Fiction Non-Fiction Poetry

MAIN MENU Fiction FantasyHistorical Fiction Mystery Realistic Fiction Science Fiction Adventure Folktales

MAIN MENU Non-Fiction BiographyAutobiographyEssay EncyclopediaTextbookHow-To MagazineResearch Report Almanac BrochureNewspaperAtlas MemoirEditorialAdvertisement

MAIN MENU Poetry Free VerseStructured List poemCouplet Poem of addressHaiku Narrative poemCinquain Diamante Acrostic Biopoem

MAIN MENU F ANTASY A story that is imaginative, but could never really happen. The setting may be of another world. Characters might be magical. Fiction

MAIN MENU H ISTORICAL F ICTION A story that takes place in a historically accurate time and setting. The characters and some events are fictional. Fiction

MAIN MENU M YSTERY A story that usually involves suspense and the solving of a crime. Clues are typically given throughout the story to solve the mystery at the end of the book. Fiction

MAIN MENU R EALISTIC F ICTION A story that seems real or could happen in real life. It is set in present day and includes modern day problems and events. Fiction

MAIN MENU S CIENCE F ICTION A story that is typically set in the future or on other planets. It is based on the impact of actual, imagined, or potential science. Fiction

MAIN MENU A DVENTURE A story where a protagonist and other major characters and are placed in dangerous situations. The characters must use their wit and skills to defeat the antagonist. Fiction

MAIN MENU F OLKTALES Fable Fairy Tale Legend Tall Tale Myth Fiction

MAIN MENU F ABLE A brief story that is meant to tell a lesson or a moral. The characters are usually animals with human characteristics. Fiction: Folktale

MAIN MENU F AIRY T ALE A story that has magical elements. The characters are usually fairies, giants, elves, and other magical creatures. Fiction: Folktale

MAIN MENU L EGEND A story usually about a national or folk hero. This story takes place in a particular time and place and is partly true and partly fiction. The character traits of the hero are typically exaggerated. Fiction: Folktale

MAIN MENU T ALL T ALE A humorous story with extreme exaggerations. The main character, or hero, usually does impossible things with ease. Fiction: Folktale

MAIN MENU M YTH A story that is often based on a historical event that is meant to serve as an explanation for some phenomenon of nature or human behavior. Characters are usually gods. Fiction: Folktale

MAIN MENU L IST P OEM A poem that is based on a list or catalog of some sort. Poetry: Free Verse

MAIN MENU P OEM OF A DDRESS A poem that is written to somebody or something. It is not about that person or thing. Poetry: Free Verse

MAIN MENU N ARRATIVE P OEM A poem that is written from a different point of view. First person poems use the word I. It is personal because an individual is speaking to us. Second person poems use the word you. It is intimate because it is like speaking to someone in the room. Third person poems use words such as he, she, it, they, etc. It is like speaking to someone who is not there with you. Poetry: Free Verse

MAIN MENU C OUPLET A form of poetry that uses two lines that rhyme. Poetry: Structured

MAIN MENU H AIKU A type of poetry from the Japanese culture. It consists of three lines. The first line has five syllables, the second has seven syllables, and the third has five syllables. Haiku does not rhyme. It is meant to paint a mental image. Haikus are typically about nature. Poetry: Structured

MAIN MENU C INQUAIN A cinquain is a five line poem. Line 1: one word (subject or noun) Line 2: two words (adjectives) that describe line 1 Line 3: three words (action verbs) that relate to line 1 Line 4: four words (feelings or a complete sentence) that relates to line 1 Line 5: one word (synonym of line 1 or a word that sums it up) Poetry: Structured

MAIN MENU D IAMANTE A seven line poem in the shape of a diamond. Line 1: one word (subject/noun that is contrasting to line 7) Line 2: two words (adjectives) that describe line 1 Line 3: three words (action verbs) that relate to line 1 Line 4: four words (nouns) first 2 words relate to line 1 last 2 words relate to line 7 Line 5: three words (action verbs) that relate to line 7 Line 6: two words (adjectives) that describe line 7 Line 7: one word ( subject/noun that is contrasting to line 1) Poetry: Structured

MAIN MENU A CROSTIC A poem in which the first letters of each line spell a special word. Poetry: Structured

MAIN MENU B IOPOEM A poem in which a person is described in eleven lines. (First name)- (Four adjectives) (Brother of or Sister of) Lover of (three different things that the person loves) Who feels (three different feelings and when or where they are felt) Who gives (three different things the person gives) Who fears (three different fears the person has) Who would like to see (three different things the person would like to see) Who lives (a brief description of where the person lives) -(Last name) Poetry: Structured

MAIN MENU B IOGRAPHY A history of someones life, or part of someones life. This is a true story about a real person. Non- Fiction

MAIN MENU A UTOBIOGRAPHY A biography written by a person about his/her own life and history. Non- Fiction

MAIN MENU E SSAY A short composition, usually written from the authors point of view. Essays can be persuasive, comparative, literary criticism, political manifestos, arguments, observations, recollections, or reflections. Non- Fiction

MAIN MENU H OW -T O An instructional form of writing that demonstrates how to do a task, activity, procedure, etc. Non- Fiction

MAIN MENU T EXTBOOK A manual of instruction or standard book in any branch of study. Textbooks are usually written according to educational demands. Non- Fiction

MAIN MENU E NCYCLOPEDIA A comprehensive written work that is used as a reference. It contains articles on various topics and branches of knowledge. Non- Fiction

MAIN MENU M AGAZINE A periodical that contains articles, pictures, advertisements, stories, etc. that is published on a regular schedule. Non- Fiction

MAIN MENU R ESEARCH R EPORT An informational, objective piece of writing based on multiple accurate references. Non- Fiction

MAIN MENU A LMANAC An annual publication that contains tabular information in a particular field(s) according to the calendar. Information such as astronomical data, the rising and setting of the sun and moon, eclipses, hours of the tide, etc. Non- Fiction

MAIN MENU N EWSPAPER A publication containing news, information, current events, and advertising. There are feature articles on topics such as political events, crime, business, art/entertainment, society, and sports. Many newspapers also include some editorial columns. Other sections include advertising, comics, and coupons. Non- Fiction

MAIN MENU A TLAS A collection of maps of Earth, or parts of Earth. The atlas presents geographic features, political boundaries, and geopolitical, social, religious, and economic statistics. Non- Fiction

MAIN MENU M EMOIR A type of an autobiography. It is a writers own account of one or two important events and is told in the first person. It is descriptive and highly personal. Non- Fiction

MAIN MENU B ROCHURE A pamphlet or leaflet advertisement. Brochures may advertise locations, events, hotels, products, services, etc. They are usually brief in language and have an eye- catching design. Non- Fiction

MAIN MENU E DITORIAL An article that is usually in a newspaper or magazine, or on television or the radio. This article expresses the authors personal opinion and view on a particular topic. Non- Fiction

MAIN MENU A DVERTISEMENT A public promotion of a product or service. It is a form of communication used to help sell these products or services. It usually describes how the products or services can benefit the customer. Non- Fiction