The program requirements to TG at school. Prepared by: Kanat Karina Zhaksylykova Aktoty Ermahan Uldana
Teaching Grammar - Why teach grammar? - To what extent do you agree or disagree with these statements?
The Longman dictionary defines Grammar as the study and practice, all the rules by which words change their forms and are combined into sentences. By Grammar one can mean adequate comprehension and correct usage of the words in the act of communication that is the infinite knowledge of the grammar of the language. By Grammar we also mean the system of the language, the discovery and description of the nature of the language itself.
is the formation of Gr. habits as the main components of speech skills (L,R,W,S) in order to enable students to communicate. The main aim of TG at school
Grammar knowledge can be declarative Declarative knowledge is what can be demonstrated as the knowledge of rules and / or examples. procedural. Procedurel knowledge is what can be applied in the process of communication.
Pupils at secondary schools also have difficulties with learning complex grammatical concepts. Typically invented examples are used in the tradition of grammar teaching. These examples are often simple but unrealistic. They find these difficult to relate to real linguistic settings and almost impossible to apply to their own language production.