MY FAMILY Тема урока: Прочитай слова. Read the words. [Λ] colour, mother, love. This is my mother. I love my mother. [ɑ:] car, father. I have got a.


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Тема урока:

Прочитай слова. Read the words. [Λ] colour, mother, love. This is my mother. I love my mother. [ɑ:] car, father. I have got a father and a mother. I love my father and mother. [ǽ] grandmother, grandfather, family. This is my grandmother. This is my grandfather I love my family.

Выучи стих. Learn the poem. My family I have got a father. I have got a mother. I have got a sister. I have got a brother. Mother, father, Sister, brother, Hand in hand With one another!

На уроке: Мне понравилось…. Я запомнил…… Я могу…..