ancor'anchor butere'butter' (L < Gr. butyros) cealc'chalk ceas'cheese'(caseum) cetel'kettle cycene'kitchen cirice'church' (ecclesia < Gr. ecclesia) disc'dish' (discus) mil'mile' (milia [passuum] 'a thousand paces') piper'pepper pund'pound' (pondo 'a weight') sacc'sack' (saccus) sicolsickle straet'street' ([via] strata 'straight way' or stone-paved road) weall'wall' (vallum) win'wine' (vinum < Gr. oinos)
Latin apostol'apostle' (apostolus < Gr. apostolos) casere'caesar, emperor ceaster'city' (castra 'camp') cest'chest' (cista 'box') circul'circle cometacomet' (cometa < Greek) maegester'master' (magister) martir'martyr paper'paper' (papyrus, from Gr.) tigle'tile' (tegula) Celtic brocc'badger cumb'combe, valley'
French Law and governmentattorney, bailiff, chancellor, chattel, country, court, crime, defendent, evidence, government, jail, judge, jury, larceny, noble, parliament, plaintiff, plea, prison, revenue, state, tax, verdict Churchabbot, chaplain, chapter, clergy, friar, prayer, preach, priest, religion, sacrament, saint, sermon Nobilitybaron, baroness; count, countess; duke, duchess; marquis, marquess; prince, princess; viscount, viscountess; noble, royal (contrast native words: king, queen, earl, lord, lady, knight, kingly, queenly) Scandinavian anger, blight, by-law, cake, call, clumsy, doze, egg, fellow, gear, get, give, hale, hit, husband, kick, kill, kilt, kindle, law, low, lump, rag, raise, root, scathe, scorch, score, scowl, scrape, scrub, seat, skill, skin, skirt, sky, sly, take, they, them, their, thrall, thrust, ugly, want, window, wing Place name suffixes: -by, - thorpe, -gate
Militaryarmy, artillery, battle, captain, company, corporal, defense,enemy,marine, navy, sergeant, soldier, volunteer Cookingbeef, boil, broil, butcher, dine, fry, mutton, pork, poultry, roast, salmon, stew, veal Culture and luxury goodsart, bracelet, claret, clarinet, dance, diamond, fashion, fur, jewel, oboe, painting, pendant, satin, ruby, sculpture Otheradventure, change, charge, chart, courage, devout, dignity, enamor, feign, fruit, letter, literature, magic, male, female, mirror, pilgrimage, proud, question, regard, special Also Middle English French loans: a huge number of words in age, -ance/- ence, -ant/-ent, -ity, -ment, -tion, con-, de-, and pre-.
Latin agile, abdomen, anatomy, area, capsule, compensate, dexterity, discus, disc/disk, excavate, expensive, fictitious, gradual, habitual, insane, janitor, meditate, notorious, orbit, peninsula, physician, superintendent, ultimate, vindicate Greek (many of these via Latin) anonymous, atmosphere, autograph, catastrophe, climax, comedy, critic, data, ectasy, history, ostracize, parasite, pneumonia, skeleton, tonic, tragedy Greek bound morphemes: -ism, - ize Arabic via Spanishalcove, algebra, zenith, algorithm, almanac, azimuth, alchemy, admiral via other Romance languagesamber, cipher, orange, saffron, sugar, zero, coffee
Words from European languages French French continues to be the largest single source of new words outside of very specialized vocabulary domains (scientific/technical vocabulary, still dominated by classical borrowings). High cultureballet, bouillabaise, cabernet, cachet, chaise longue, champagne, chic, cognac, corsage, faux pas, nom de plume, quiche, rouge, roulet, sachet, salon, saloon, sang froid, savoir faire War and Militarybastion, brigade, battalion, cavalry, grenade, infantry, pallisade, rebuff, bayonet Otherbigot, chassis, clique, denim, garage, grotesque, jean(s), niche, shock French Canadianchowder Louisiana French (Cajun)jambalaya Spanish armada, adobe, alligator, alpaca, armadillo, barricade, bravado, cannibal, canyon, coyote, desperado, embargo, enchilada, guitar, marijuana, mesa, mosquito, mustang, ranch, taco, tornado, tortilla, vigilante
Words from European languages Italian alto, arsenal, balcony, broccoli, cameo, casino, cupola, duo, fresco, fugue, gazette (via French), ghetto, gondola, grotto, macaroni, madrigal, motto, piano, opera, pantaloons, prima donna, regatta, sequin, soprano, opera, stanza, stucco, studio, tempo, torso, umbrella, viola, violin from Italian American immigrants cappuccino, espresso, linguini, mafioso, pasta, pizza, ravioli, spaghetti, spumante, zabaglione, zucchini Scandinavian fjord, maelstrom, ombudsman, ski, slalom, smorgasbord Russian apparatchik, borscht, czar/tsar, glasnost, icon, perestroika, vodka
Words from European languages Dutch, Flemish Shipping, naval termsavast, boom, bow, bowsprit, buoy, commodore, cruise, dock, freight, keel, keelhaul, leak, pump, reef, scoop, scour, skipper, sloop, smuggle, splice, tackle, yawl, yacht Cloth industrybale, cambric, duck (fabric), fuller's earth, mart, nap (of cloth), selvage, spool, stripe Arteasel, etching, landscape, sketch Warbeleaguer, holster, freebooter, furlough, onslaught Food and drinkbooze, brandy(wine), coleslaw, cookie, cranberry, crullers, gin, hops, stockfish, waffle Otherbugger (orig. French), crap, curl, dollar, scum, split (orig. nautical term), uproar German bum, dunk, feldspar, quartz, hex, lager, knackwurst, liverwurst, loafer, noodle, poodle, dachshund, pretzel, pinochle, pumpernickel, sauerkraut, schnitzel, zwieback, (beer)stein, lederhosen, dirndl 20th century German loanwordsblitzkrieg, zeppelin, strafe, U-boat, delicatessen, hamburger, frankfurter, wiener, hausfrau, kindergarten, Oktoberfest, schuss, wunderkind, bundt (cake), spritz (cookies), (apple) strudel
Sanskrit avatar, karma, mahatma, swastika, yoga Hindi bandanna, bangle, bungalow, chintz, cot, cummerbund, dungaree, juggernaut, jungle, loot, maharaja, nabob, pajamas, punch (the drink), shampoo, thug, kedgeree, jamboree Words from other parts of the world American Indian languages avocado, cacao, cannibal, canoe, chipmunk, chocolate, chili, hammock, hominy, hurricane, maize, moccasin, moose, papoose, pecan, possum, potato, skunk, squaw, succotash, squash, tamale (via Spanish), teepee, terrapin, tobacco, toboggan, tomahawk, tomato, wigwam, woodchuck (plus thousands of place names, including Ottawa, Toronto, Saskatchewan and the names of more than half the states of the U.S., including Michigan, Texas, Nebraska, Illinois)
Words from other parts of the world Arabic bedouin, emir, jakir, gazelle, giraffe, harem, hashish, lute, minaret, mosque, myrrh, salaam, sirocco, sultan, vizier, bazaar, caravan African languages banana (via Portuguese), banjo, boogie-woogie, chigger, goober, gorilla, gumbo, jazz, jitterbug, jitters, juke(box), voodoo, yam, zebra, zombie Dravidian curry, mango, teak, pariah Persian (Farsi) check, checkmate, chess
Words from other parts of the world Pacific Islands bamboo, gingham, rattan, taboo, tattoo, ukulele, boondocks Australia boomerang, budgerigar, didgeridoo, kangaroo (and many more in Australian English) Words from other parts of the world Chinese chop suey, chow mein, dim sum, ketchup, tea, ginseng, kowtow, litchee Japanese geisha, hara kiri, judo, jujitsu, kamikaze, karaoke, kimono, samurai, soy, sumo, sushi, tsunami