Azerbaijan Tourism Instute Group: 1301 Subject: Proffesional Traning Teacher: Orkhan Musa Student: Madina Hashimli
ENGLAND The Flag of England The symbol of England
The population of England is about 53 million. England is situated of the British Isles. It is the south of Great Britain.
LONDON London is the capital of England and its political, economic and cultural city. It is situated on the banks of the river Thames
The sights of England Big BenTower Bridge
The sights of London Buckingham Palace The London Eye
Every year about twenty-five million tourists visit England. They visit to see not only London but also Mancester, Sratford-upon- Avon,Birmingham and other cities. Stratford-upon-Avon Birmingham
Statistics: Tourism business brings income to England
EDUCATION OxfordCambridge
LET`S be acquainted with the other featuers of England!