From a diligent student to a creative teacher…
Pedagogical creed A pupil is not an amphora to be filled, it is a torch which is to be lit up. Ancient Wisdom Ancient Wisdom A pupil is not an amphora to be filled, it is a torch which is to be lit up. Ancient Wisdom Ancient Wisdom
Teaching goals:
Teaching principles: Learning by Doing - the basic principle of non formal education
The Use of ICT as the means of pupils positive motivation and the humanization of learning Self-Education Problem
What is the key to effective learning? Motivation Other ways?
The Need for Knowledge The Need for Stimulation The Need for Activity The Need for Learning The Need for Self-expression Sixfold concept of motivation The Need for Manipulation
Information Communication Technology (ICT) is the complex of means and methods of search, storage, processing, manipulation, transmitting and receiving information in a digital form based on computer technologies, webs and means of connection. Information Communication Technology (ICT) is the complex of means and methods of search, storage, processing, manipulation, transmitting and receiving information in a digital form based on computer technologies, webs and means of connection.
Participants of Learning process Іnformation- Educational Environment Іnfosphere ІCТІCТІCТІCТ Education Means of Learning Models of Learning ІCT in Education
ІCТ Types ІCТ Types MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) (Computer Assisted Language Learning) CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) (Computer Assisted Language Learning)
Multimedia CALL (CD-ROMs) Web-based CALL (the Internet)
Make the contents of lessons non standard and attractive for pupils Provide the mastering of learning material for pupils despite their level of language skills 2 The Use of ICT lets a teacher: Enrich teaching methods by giving the tasks of different types and using more information channels 3 Provide the revision of learning material based on the innovative kinds of activities 4
ICT Learning Aids Electronic didactic games
Electronic Textbooks «Welcome to the United Kingdom» - Country studies E-Textbook «Welcome to the United Kingdom» - Country studies E-Textbook «English with Pleasure» - E-Textbook for the 5 th Form according to the new state standards ICT Learning Aids
Professional Achievements 2009 – the laureate of Nadiia City Contest among young teachers the winner of Podilska Victoria , a laureate at IX and a prize winner at XI Ukrainian Contests Teacher - Innovator organized by Microsoft Company in Ukraine – was included in the international list of innovative teachers Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Expert , a laureate at IX and a prize winner at XI Ukrainian Contests Teacher - Innovator organized by Microsoft Company in Ukraine – was included in the international list of innovative teachers Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Expert 2015
We must love people to change them. The influence on them depends on the proportion of love towards them. Johann Pestalozzi We must love people to change them. The influence on them depends on the proportion of love towards them. Johann Pestalozzi
Thats why every day of my life is full of unforgettable moments...
pleasant surprises...
Від кожного я взяв потрохи, Бо вчитель - це завжди взірець. Я вибір свій зробив на користь Дитячих, щирих, відданих сердець.