SCHOOL Learning to speak about the schools. To develop students critical thinking, their abilities to work in groups, self assessment. Check up their knowledge.


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Learning to speak about the schools. To develop students critical thinking, their abilities to work in groups, self assessment. Check up their knowledge about the school and their speaking. idea.opinions.translations

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Say in English: 1. Я пошел в школу в семь лет. I went to school at the age После четырех лет учебы в начальной школе я перешел в среднюю школу. After 4 years of primary school I went to secondary school. 3. Девять лет занятий в школе являются обязательными в нашей республике. Nine years of classes are compulsory in our republic. 4. Наш учебный год начинается 1 сентября и заканчивается в мае. Our school year began on the 1rst of September and ended in May 5. Учебный год продолжается 9 месяцев. School year lasts 9 months. 6. В Англии уроки начинается 9 часов и заканчивается в 4 часа. In England lessons begin at 9 oclock and ended at Главные предметы в английской школе –английский, математика, биология и химия. The main subjects of the English school – English, math, biology and chemistry

Say in English: 1. Я пошел в школу в семь лет. I went to school at the age После четырех лет учебы в начальной школе я перешел в среднюю школу. After 4 years of primary school I went to secondary school. 3. Девять лет занятий в школе являются обязательными в нашей республике. Nine years of classes are compulsory in our republic. 4. Наш учебный год начинается 1 сентября и заканчивается в мае. Our school year began on the 1rst of September and ended in May 5. Учебный год продолжается 9 месяцев. School year lasts 9 months. 6. В Англии уроки начинается 9 часов и заканчивается в 4 часа. In England lessons begin at 9 oclock and ended at Главные предметы в английской школе –английский, математика, биология и химия. The main subjects of the English school – English, math, biology and chemistry

Give the definitions of the word : Cloak-room - it is a building where pupil study Lesson well known School where pupil dress left hats. Coats.bags Library room where pupil of years old Primary school where pupil over 11 -to years old Secondary school there are many books Famous classes Grammar school personal not connected state government Private school type of clothes for schoolchildren Curriculum pupil study subjects for the examination to the university Uniform a course of study offered in a school.

Give the definitions of the word : Cloak-room - it is a building where pupil study Lesson well known School where pupil dress left hats. Coats.bags Library room where pupil of years old Primary school where pupil over 11 -to years old Secondary school there are many books Famous classes Grammar school personal not connected state government Private school type of clothes for schoolchildren Curriculum pupil study subjects for the examination to the university Uniform a course of study offered in a school.

Put the words below into Venn diagramm. School in KZ School in GB

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