Work about the literary hero of Arthur Conan Doyle "Sherlock Holmes". The name of the world famous detective Sherlock Holmes for the first time appeared.


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Work about the literary hero of Arthur Conan Doyle "Sherlock Holmes". The name of the world famous detective Sherlock Holmes for the first time appeared in the story "The Etude in Crimson Tones". Unlike criminal novels of Emilio Gaborio who only, eskizno nacherchivat a portrait of the hero, Conan Doyle represents Holmes bright rich colors, it isn't simple the description of a crime and the criminal, and process of intellectual search which conducts to disclosure of secret of a crime. Sherlock Holmes carries out by the method the thinnest analysis of circumstances in which the crime is committed, studies character of the people involved in a crime, and on the basis of insignificant, at first sight, details draws the final and correct conclusion. Sherlock Holmes is a not only ingenious private detective, courageous, provident, with fast reaction of the fighter, but also the expert on criminalistics, and its newest methods connected with science on that methods of police search of that time advance.

Conan Doyle didn't leave the hero for forty years. Last time he mentions it in the story "Lion's Mane" of Creation Conan by Doyle of Sherlock Holmes became an image the basis for development of a detective genre most popular presently.

Conan Doyle wrote nine books about Sherlock Holmes: four novels - "The etude in crimson tones" (1887), "The Sign of the Four" (1890), "Baskervili's Dog" ( ), "The valley of horrors" ( ) and five collections which consist of 56 stories - "Sherlock Holmes's Adventures" ( ), "Notes about Sherlock Holmes" (1892), "Sherlock Holmes's Return" (1894), "Its farewell hi" (1927), "Sherlock Holmes's Archive".

Works about Sherlock Holmes it is transferred to 76 languages. By the way, in Russian the novel "Valley of Horrors" was for the first time and is last time published in World of Adventures printing house in The hero attracts the reader with unusual integrity, determination and at the same time coolness. But thus it still noble and hazardous. The book learns to think analytically. And it is really very useful!