Game: Food basket
Game Be attentive ! Choose and write down the words connected with food! 1 group: bread, tooth, sweets, parents, soup, breakfast, juice, men, meat, seven, tea, ice-cream, fish, apple, cheese, cake, water, teacher, coffee, school. 2 group: mouth, porridge, yesterday, pizza, today, chicken, salad, last, flower, egg, leg, meat, fish, country, grow, hamburger, year, salt, pencil, carrot.
. 1. What food should we eat to stay healthy? 2. What food shouldnt we eat too much? 3. Why is fresh food better than food from packages? 4. What kind of oil is the best for your health? 5. Is white bread better for you than brown bread? 6. Why do some people want to eat organic food?
Match: 1)FOR MORE ENERGY a) Walnuts, water 2)FOR STRONGER IMMUNITY b)Pasta, potatoes and breakfast cereal 3)FOR BETTER CONCENTRATION c) Apples and raw carrots 4) FOR WHITER TEETH d)Chicken, fish and nuts 5)FOR CLEARER SKIN e) Eggs
New Vocabulary: Peel-чистити Slice-різати скибочками Mash-товкти Mix-мішати Oil-олія Boil-кипятити Chop-нарізати Pour-наливати Cut-різати Fry-смажити
A recipé for pancakes
! Good bye!