Halloween 1GhostAВампір 2CauldronBТруна 3Haunted houseCДім з привидами 4VampireDВідьма 5GravestoneEСвічка 6CandleFКажан 7BatGПавук 8SpiderHПавутина 9LanternIМітла.


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Happy Halloween!!!!. i, c, h, t, w a, p, v, m, r, i, e s, h, t, g, o p, i, n, k, u, m, p a, c, e, i, k, o, t, t, t, r, r, r a, e, e, h, l, l, n, o, w.
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1. Halloween is one of the oldest festivals in Great Britain. 2. Halloween is celebrated on October 31 st. 3. The full name of the festival is All Hallows.
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1. Halloween is one of the oldest festivals in Great Britain. 2. Halloween is celebrated on October 31 st. 3. The full name of the festival is All Hallows.
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1GhostAВампір 2CauldronBТруна 3Haunted houseCДім з привидами 4VampireDВідьма 5GravestoneEСвічка 6CandleFКажан 7BatGПавук 8SpiderHПавутина 9LanternIМітла 10WebGГарбуз 11WitchKЛіхтарик 12BroomLЧереп 13CoffinMМогильний камінь 14PumpkinNПривид 15SkullOКотел

Monster, witch, costume, dark, hobo, ghost, haunt, weird, mask, skeleton, devil, goblin, clown, scary.

radk – … ctiwh – … msak – … soghts – … emutsoc – … kpinpum – … olewnleHa – …

1. H…ll…w… …n. 2. …ct…b…r. 3. W…tch. 4. Gh…st. 5. D…rk. 6. M…nst…r. 7. Ch…ldr…n. 8. G…bl…n

Alittlewitchandahorribleskullappeared. Awhiteghostandagreenmonsterfollowme.

1. When is Halloween celebrated? a) December 25-th b) February 14-th c) October 31-st

2. What colors are associated with Halloween? a) Red and green b) Orange and black c) Yellow and blue

3. Who can walk through the walls? a) Witches b) Goblins c) Ghosts

4. What is worn around the neck to keep vampires away? a) Garlic b) Onion c) Pepper

5. How many bones are there in the human skeleton? a) About 50 b) Over 200 c) Over 1000

6. What does a witch use for transport? a) A hat b) A broomstick c) A motorbike

Put the candle inside the pumpkin. Cut a nose and a mouth. Cut eyes. Put the pumpkin near the house. Take a big yellow pumpkin. Light the candle.

I fly at night because I don't like light.

I'm scary and white. I come out at night. Who am I?

I've got soft black fur. When you hold me I purr. Who am I?

I'm round on all sides. I've got a light inside. Who am I?

I've got a black cat and a big pointed hat. Who am I?

Im yellow or white. I smile on Halloween night. Who am I?