English is My Life
English is the language of communication in countries where people speak different languages.
It is the official language of Oxfam and Save the Children, UNESCO, NATO and the UN.
The official language of the international organizations, such as World Council of Churches, the Olympic games and the contest "Miss Universe".
English is the language of global youth culture. Around the world young people sang the words of the songs of the group "The Beatles", "u-2" (U2), Michael Jackson, Madonna and Britney Spears without fully understanding them.
Signboards of shops; instructions and notices in public places,guidance on control buttons (Push, Stop, Wind, Low, High, Light, Noise); the inscriptions on the body of the radio equipment, disks, tapes, and labels on items of clothing and footwear, in the names of products, technology, perfumes.
English is the language of high technology on all continents; it is the programming language of computers;
It is the language of travel and communications on international flights.
It is also the language of satellite television. The Internet is unthinkable without the English language.
English prevails in transport and in the media. More than half of the scientific and technical journals worldwide are printed in English.
English is the language of international business. More than half of European deals are concluded in English. On industrial goods, clothing, household appliances are increasingly found such instructions in English as the country of their production
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