Pollution of the atmosphere of Earth bringing in atmospheric air new uncharacteristic for it physical, chemical and biological substances or change of.


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Pollution of the atmosphere of Earth bringing in atmospheric air new uncharacteristic for it physical, chemical and biological substances or change of their natural concentration

According to the International agency on studying of a cancer of the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution is the main reason of emergence of oncological diseases

Types of pollution

On pollution sources: The natural The anthropogenous

On character of a pollutant atmosphere pollution: the physical the chemical the biological

Pollution sources Natural (eruptions of volcanoes, forest and steppe fires, dust, pollen of plants) The artificial: Transport Production Household

Main pollutants Carbon oxide Nitrogen oxides Sulfur dioxide Hydrocarbons Aldehydes Heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr) Ammonia Dust Radioactive isotopes

Consequences It is possible to carry greenhouse effect, acid rains, a smog and an ozone gap