The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States. It was designed by James Hoban in the Italian Renaissance style. It was.


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The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States. It was designed by James Hoban in the Italian Renaissance style. It was burned by the British during the War of 1812, but was restored by Hoban. The first President to live in the White House was John Adams.

The focal point of the Capitol is the Rotunda. Here the walls are covered with large oil paintings depicting important scenes from American History. Statuary Hall is filled with statues honoring important people from each of our fifty states.

The Washington Monument, built to honor our first President, is the worlds largest masonry structure. The monument has 898 steps. On a clear day, a breathtaking view stretching up to 45 miles may be seen.

The Lincoln Memorial was built in the style of a Greek temple. It is supported by 36 columns, which represent the number of states in the Union at the time of Abraham Lincolns death. 56 steps lead up to the monument, one for each year of his life. Inside you will find an enormous statue of Lincoln seated in a chair. The walls are inscribed with Lincolns inaugural address and his famous Gettysburg Address.

The Jefferson Memorial was built to resemble Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson. Inside is a 19 foot bronze statue of Thomas Jefferson, our third President and the writer of the Declaration of Independence.

This memorial honors Marines killed in battle. It depicts 5 Marines and a Sailor raising the American flag on Mt. Suribachi, Iwo Jima, during World War II.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is famous for its black granite wall inscribed with the names of those that were killed during the Vietnam War. The memorial also includes a statue of three Vietnam soldiers and another honoring women who served our country.

The National Archives is where Americas most precious documents are housed. Among them are the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, which are on display every day for the people of America to see.