Hello! My name is Pete. I am seven. I have a nice face. I am brave and strong I can swim and skate well. I cannot fly and I cannot ride a crocodile. I run and jump in the garden. I have a pet.
can cannot
Thank you!
Список используемых источников Border_web.jpg?&k=Flowers+in+a+Garden+Border Border_web.jpg?&k=Flowers+in+a+Garden+Border Border_web.jpg?&k=Flowers+in+a+Garden+Border Border_web.jpg?&k=Flowers+in+a+Garden+Border XV0Q/Forest_HDR_1.jpg XV0Q/Forest_HDR_1.jpg XV0Q/Forest_HDR_1.jpg XV0Q/Forest_HDR_1.jpg g_Garden_013453_.jpg g_Garden_013453_.jpg g_Garden_013453_.jpg g_Garden_013453_.jpg d= d= d= d=