To say, to tell, to speak, to talk Preparation for exam.


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To say, to tell, to speak, to talk Preparation for exam.

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To say, to tell, to speak, to talk Preparation for exam

Rules Test

to speak to tell to talk to say ГОВОРИТЬ

to tell говорить, сказать, сообщить, приказать

to tell The boy was told to stay at home Can you tell me the time?

to speak говорить, разговаривать, объясняться, выступать to speak fast (slowly, well, for a long time)

to speak The baby is learning to speak. He can speak now.

to talk говорить, разговаривать, беседовать, обсуждать, поговорить

to talk The matter must be talked about They talked about old days deep into the night

to say сказать выразить что-либо устно или письменно: обычно одноактное действие, чаще всего вводит прямую речь

to say "It is getting late" she said It says in today's paper that gas prices are going up again Are you saying I am fat?

Say, tell, talk, speak Test

Think today and..... tomorrow say tell speak talk

Strictly....., I have very little information about the matter. saying speaking telling talking

I dont know what..... you about the film; I havent seen it yet. speak tell say talk

The teacher..... her class about a man who used to swim five times across a river before breakfast. said spoke told talked

I asked what his name was and he..... his name was Dan. toldtold spoke said talked

I didnt quite catch what you toldtold spoke said talked

The Folds wanted us to sell them our car, but we..... No. toldtold spoke said talked

..... of the devil and he is sure to appear. say tell speak talk

My Grandfather was very clever; he could..... several foreign languages. say tell speak talk

First think then say tell speak talk

I can tell the time say speak tell talk

Did they..... you their names? say speak tell talk

Try again No, thanks