Dracula Andrei Roublyov Titanic Indianna Jones.


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Film Studios. Producers DirectorsFilms Andrei Tarkovski James Cameron Steven Spielberg Nikita Mikhalkov Francis Ford Coppola Rollan Bikov Indianna Jones.

C I N E M A. M O V I E S.. Motion Picture, a series of images that are projected onto a screen to create the illusion of motion. Motion picturesalso called.
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The best film I have seen. Among different types of films (that is comedy, romantic drama, western, adventure film, police drama or detective film, psychological.
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All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Tastes differ. Tastes differ.
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Speaking about films Борзых М.В., учитель английского языка МОБУ СОШ 1 с.Ивановка.


Andrei Roublyov


Indianna Jones

Burnt in the Sun

ProducersFilms Andrei Tarkovski James Cameron Steven Spielberg Nikita Mikhalkov Francis Ford Coppola Rollan Bikov Indianna Jones Titanic Dracula Andrei Roublyov Burnt in the Sun Aibolit-66

Producer - продюсер, режиссер Screenwriter - сценарист Director - директор Unit Production Manager –ассистент режиссера Casting Director - ассистент по подбору актеров Playwright-драматург Stunt People - дублеры Animal Actors – животные-актеры Film and Sound Director - звукорежиссер Designers - дизайнеры, оформители Camera operators - операторы

Hitchcock, Sir Alfred He is an English film maker who worked mostly in the US. His films are known for the horror experienced by people watching them, He gained international attention with The 39 steps, The lady vanishes. Georgy Daneliya He is a great Russian director. His famous works are Mimino, Afonya, Dont worry, I am working along Moscow. Ryazanov Eldar a famous Russian film director, screenwriter and playwright. He is one of the best masters of comedy. His well-known films are The night of Carnival, Irony of Fate, Garage. Spielberg Steven a US film director, writer and producer. His works Jaws, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones are still very popular among film watches.

Режиссер, сценарист, драматург Режиссер, мастер мелодрамы Известен во всем мире как мастер сцен ужасов Режиссер, писатель, директор

Will Smith Empire, Independence Day John Depp Pirates of the Caribbean

Leonardo Di Caprio Romeo and Juliet, Titanic Angelina Jolie Tom Raider, Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Tom Hanks Angels & Demons, :The Da Vinci Code George Clooney Spy Kids, Oceans Twelve

Will Smith John Depp Leonardo Di Caprio Angelina Jolie Tom Hanks George Clooney Pirates of the Caribbean Titanic Empire Tom Raider Spy Kids Angels and Demons

A thriller An adventure film A blockbuster A cult film A drama A historical film A fantasy A horror film A science fiction A war film A western A soap opera A comedy A musical A romance Триллер (захватывающий) Приключенческий Боевик Культовый (любимый всеми) Драма Исторический Фантазия (сказочная, добрая) Фильм ужасов Научная фантастика Фильм о войне Вестерн (освоение Америки) Сериал (мыльная опера) Комедия Мюзикл Фильм о любви

How many new words can you find in this chain?

Love story, western, science fiction, action, horror, documentary, cartoon, thriller, melodrama, historical, adventure, screen version of, detective, feature.

A.Chehov A.Pushkin N.Gogol Total number of films Silent films (before 1935) Short-length films(50-52 min) Silent films (before 1935) 317 Total number of films4644 Short-length films 711 F.Dostoevsky L. Tolstoy

Viy War and Peace A Lady With a Dog Idiot A Young Mistress-Peasant

Speak about any film. a)a type of the film b) a producer c)Name the genre c) main actors and actresses d)The main plot and ideas e) Your impressions

There are many types of films, but the most significant categories are: feature films - художественные animated films - мультипликационные documentaries - документальные industrial films – производственные (рекламные) educational films - образовательные

Feature films are the movies most commonly shown in large movie theaters. They typically last at least one and one- half hours and tell a fictional story or a story based on real events but portrayed by actors. Scene from The film of horror Kaleidoskop

Animated movies …..

Documentary films …

Educational films …

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