The British Royal family. was born, 21 April, 1926 Elizabeth Alexandra Mary 145, Piccadilly, London.


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The British Royal family

was born, 21 April, 1926 Elizabeth Alexandra Mary 145, Piccadilly, London

education home sister Margaret History, law, art, music, sport

early public life 14 BBC childrens program

Wedding Westminster Abbey 21 November 1947 Prince Phillip 10 June 1921 Only son of Prince of Greece

6 February 1952 came to the throne coronation, 2 June, 1953 Westminster Abbey

Prince Charles-1948 Princess Ann-1950 Prince Andrew-1964

1.The Royal Family. Obtained through the Bing Search Princess Elizabeth in the grounds of her London home, 145 Piccadilly Devonshire House in Piccadilly was the London residence of the Dukes of King George V & Queen Mary. V-&-Queen-Mary htmlhttp:// V-&-Queen-Mary html 5.A Very Royal Prince - The Life Of Prince Phillip, The Duke. by... Castle Castle 6.Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. 7.В интервью БиБиСи принц, известный своим :20 Королева Елизавета II и Филипп Эдинбургский Королева Елизавета II и принц Филипп со своими детьми