Разработала: учитель английского языка Солодовникова Н.В
Monday's child is nice and slow Tuesday's child go, go, go Wednesday's child is very funny Thursday's child is happy and sunny Friday's child is like a king Saturday's child can dance and sing Sunday's child can stand on her head And count the ghosts under her bed!
Lesson objectives: to talk about the time; to talk about timetable Skills development: reading for detail; listening for detail
TimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday RussianMathsTechnologyMathsBiology EnglishRussianTechnologyBiologyMaths Communica tion Study ArtEnglishMusicRussian LUNCH LiteratureHistoryMathsITPE PE HistoryRussianLiterature RussianMathsRussianEnglish
1. I get up at _______________. five o'clock six o'clock seven o'clock 2. I wash and dress at _______________. half past two quarter past five four o'clock 3. I have breakfast at _______________. half past five quarter to five three o'clock 4. I go to school at _______________. ten past six five o'clock half past five 5. My lessons start at _______________. eight o'clock half past ten quarter to seven
1. I get up at _______________. five o'clock six o'clock seven o'clock 2. I wash and dress at _______________. half past two quarter past five four o'clock 3. I have breakfast at _______________. half past five quarter to five three o'clock 4. I go to school at _______________. ten past six five o'clock half past five 5. My lessons start at _______________. eight o'clock half past ten quarter to seven
Ex. 2a, p. 50 Read and match
УМК «Английский нового тысячелетия» для 5 класса (четвертый год обучения) Н.Н. Деревянко и др. Программное обеспечение. Обучающая компьютерная программа к УМК «Английский нового тысячелетия» для 5 класса (четвертый год обучения) Н.Н. Деревянко и др. Ресурсы Единой коллекции цифровых образовательных ресурсов Инновационные учебные материалы «New Millennium English», 5 класс, Деревянко Н.Н., Жаворонкова С.В., Карпова Л.Г. и др: - мультимедиа приложение; - электронная рабочая тетрадь.