Автор: Дворникова Любовь Сергеевна Место работы: МОУ СОШ 5 г.Армавир Краснодарский край Должность: учитель английского языка 2011 год
Alloway Edinburg London Cambridge Nottingham Stratford- upon-Avon Stratford- upon-Avon Cardiff Bath Oxford
The historic town Stratford-upon-Avon is known as William Shakespeares birthplace. Its also the home of the Royal Shakespeare Company, the worlds finest classical theatre company.
In London you can visit Charles Dickens house, were he lived from The houses were Oscar Wilde, George Eliot and others lived are also museums.
Here, the modern childrens writer Roald Dahl was born. In Wales you can see the White Rabbit Memorial which proclaims that Wales inspired Lewis Carroll to write his literary treasure Alice in Wonderland.
Bath is a cultural centre. The poets Wordsworth, Shelly and Alexander Pope, writers Tobias Smollett and Henry Fielding.
Cambridge University has produced a galaxy of writers: Thomas Gray, Milton and Thackeray.
In Oxford studied R. D. Blackmore (the author of Lorna Doone), C. S. Lewis (the author of all-time classic The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe), and many others.
Robert Burns, the great Scottish poet was born in Alloway in 1759.
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