On Sunday I like meat and chips On Monday bread and cheese On Tuesday Coca-Cola And pizza…… Mmm, yes please
One potato, Two potatoes, Three potatoes, Four! Five potatoes, Six potatoes, Seven potatoes, More! You are out!
Get up, little Freddy Break fast is ready; Butter and cheese, All that you please. Milk and bread For little Fred. Tea and jam For brother Sam. But Saturday is my favorite day. On, yes. Its very nice! On Saturday its chicken….. Mmmm, Salad, bread and rice.
Three fat sausages Are sitting in a pan. Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle! One goes band! Two fat sausages Are sitting in a pan. Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle! One goes bang! One fat sausage Is sitting in a pan. Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle! Bang!
Robin the Robin, the big bellied Ben He ate more meat than forescore men. He ate a cow, he ate a calf, He ate a butcher and a half. He ate a church, he ate a steeple, Ht ate a priest and all the people! A cow and a half, An ox and a half, A church and a steeple And all the good people. And yet he complained That his stomach was not full.