1Spotlight 11 Харченко Елена Владимировна председатель кафедры иностранных языков лицея «Многопрофильный» г.Ростов-на-Дону.


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1Spotlight 11 Харченко Елена Владимировна председатель кафедры иностранных языков лицея «Многопрофильный» г.Ростов-на-Дону

A Bolt Out Of the Blue как гром среди ясного неба 2Spotlight 11

A Bolt Out of the Blue Spotlight 113 Definition: A short sharp surprise. Her message came LIKE A BOLT OUT OF THE BLUE.

A face like thunder темнее тучи 4Spotlight 11

A Face Like Thunder Definition: Cause to lose one's composure or disturb the balance or Stability. She was clearly upset by the driving ban, and had A FACE LIKE THUNDER. 5Spotlight 11

A Million Reasons миллион причин 6Spotlight 11

A Million Reasons I need a million reasons why people become homeless!? 7Spotlight 11

A storm in a teacup буря в стакане воды 8Spotlight 11

A Storm in a Teacup Definition: To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth! I think it's all a storm in a teacup - there's probably no danger to public health at all. 9Spotlight 11

Actions Speak Louder Than Words не по словам судят, по делам 10Spotlight 11

Actions Speak Louder Than Words Definition: means that what people actually do is more important than what they say- people can promise things but then fail to deliver. Your government has made all sorts of promises but as we all know, actions speak louder than words. 11Spotlight 11

At sixes and sevens растеряться 12Spotlight 11

At Sixes and Sevens Definition: If something is all at sixes and sevens, then there is a lot of disagreement and confusion about what should be done. Bill is always at sixes and sevens when he's home by himself. 13Spotlight 11

Back foot встать на ноги после болезни 14Spotlight 11

Back Foot Definition: Back foot If you are on your back foot, you are at a disadvantage and forced to be defensive of your position. UK They were on the back foot directly from the kick-off! 15Spotlight 11

Chip off the old block похожи, как две капли воды 16Spotlight 11

Chip Off the Old Block Definition: Chip off the old block If someone is a chip off the old block, they closely resemble one or both of the parents in character. John looks like his father a real chip off the old block. 17Spotlight 11

Come rain or shine несмотря ни на что 18Spotlight 11

Come Rain or Shine Definition: Come rain or shine If I say I'll be at a place come rain or shine, I mean that I can be relied on to turn up; nothing, not even the vagaries of British weather, will deter me or stop me from being there.UK Don't worry. I'll be there come rain or shine. 19Spotlight 11

Feeling Blue быть изможденным 20Spotlight 11

Feeling Blue! Definition: Feeling blue If you feel blue, you are feeling unwell, mainly associated with depression or unhappiness. The thoughts of the new school term always make me feel blue! 21Spotlight 11

Fly the Nest покинуть родные пенаты 22Spotlight 11

Fly the Nest Definition Fly the nest When children leave home to live away from their parents, they fly the coop/nest. Once the kids have all flown the nest we might sell this house and move somewhere smaller. 23Spotlight 11

Have a Roof Over One's Head иметь крышу над головой 24Spotlight 11

Have a Roof Over Your Head Definition: Shelter, 'Home and hearth' evoking warmth and security. I can barely afford to put a roof over my head, my salary is so low. 25Spotlight 11

The Time of Your Life наслаждаться жизнью 26Spotlight 11

The Time of Your Life Definition:Time of your life If you're having the time of your life, you are enjoying yourself very much indeed. Spend your money and have the time of your life, you cannot take it with you. 27Spotlight 11

Head In the Clouds витать в облаках 28Spotlight 11

Head In the Clouds Definition: Head is in the clouds If a person has their head in the clouds, they have unrealistic and impractical ideas. Do you think that many politicians have their head in the clouds?? 29Spotlight 11

In Two Minds колебаться 30Spotlight 11

In Two Minds Definition: In two minds If you are in two minds about something, you can't decide what to do. I was in two minds whether or not to come this morning. 31Spotlight 11

Lead Sb Up the Garden Path обманывать 32Spotlight 11

Lead Sb Up the Garden Path Definition: If someone leads you up the garden path, they deceive you, or give you false information that causes you to waste your time. 'Lead someone down the garden path' is also used. We were led up the garden path about the cost of the building work - it turned out really expensive. 33Spotlight 11

Money Talks деньги решают все 34Spotlight 11

Money Talks Definition: Money talks. This means that people can convey many messages with money, and many things can be discovered about people by observing the way they use their money. He was a fool to take the job, but money talks, so of course he took it. 35Spotlight 11

one in a million один на миллион 36Spotlight 11

One In a Million Definition: Attractive, very pleasing to the eye You are the most beautiful!! One in a million!! 37Spotlight 11

(Sth) Runs In the Family характерная особенность 38Spotlight 11

(Sth) Runs In the Family Definition: Runs in the family If a characteristic runs in the family, it can clearly be seen in members of different generations. A hereditary illness that is passed from one generation to the next. He has a congenital disease that runs in the family. 39Spotlight 11

Six of One and Half a Dozen of the Other одинаково, одно и тоже 40Spotlight 11

Six of One and Half a Dozen of the Other Definitions: Six of one and half-a- dozen of the other. This is little or no difference between two options. They're both the same six of one and half a dozen of the other. 41Spotlight 11

Speak One ' s Mind высказывать свое мнение, открыто выражать свое мнение 42Spotlight 11

Speak One ' s Mind Definition:To speak ones mind If you speak your mind, you say what you exactly think about a subject regardless of whether others will agree with you or not. It is a rare event when anyone in my family speaks their mind about anything 43Spotlight 11

Speak the Same Language as Sb говорить на одном языке, понимать с полуслова кого- либо 44Spotlight 11

Speak/Talk the Same Language Definition: To have similar ideas and similar ways of expressing them. Speaking/talking the same language is a treasure of diversified culture. 45Spotlight 11

Sweet Talk лесть, умасливание 46Spotlight 11

Sweet Talk Definition: Sweet-talk. If you sweet- talk someone, you use persuasion and charm to get what you want. She could sweet talk him into almost anything. 47Spotlight 11

Everything But the Kitchen Sink брать все подряд, без разбору 48Spotlight 11

Everything But the Kitchen Sink Definition: Almost everything, whether needed or not. She must have brought everything but the kitchen sink along on the trip, and how she lifted her suitcase, I do not know. 49Spotlight 11

Speak Of the Devil легок на помине 50Spotlight 11

Speak Of the Devil Definition: Speak of the devil! If you are talking about someone and they happen to walk in, you can use this idiom as a way of letting them know you were talking about them. Hi, there. We were just talking about you. Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear! 51Spotlight 11

Talk to the Wall разговор в никуда 52Spotlight 11

Talk to the Wall Definitions:Talking to a brick wall. If you talk to someone and they do not listen to you, it is like talking to a brick wall. Speaking to you is like talking to a wall. 53Spotlight 11

Speak With a Forked Tongue лгать 54Spotlight 11

Speak With a Forked Tongue Definition: Speak with a forked tongue. To say one thing and mean another, to lie, to be two-faced. People tend to believe Fred because he seems plausible, but we know he speaks with a forked tongue. 55Spotlight 11

Talk / Speak in Riddles говорить загадками 56Spotlight 11

Talk/Speak in Riddles Definition: To mock, mystify or tease. She keeps talking in riddles, instead of just speaking out and saying what she really means. 57Spotlight 11

The Black Sheep белая ворона 58Spotlight 11

Black Sheep Definition: Black sheep. Someone who is the black sheep doesn't fit into a group or family because their behaviour or character is not good enough. My brother is the black sheep of the family! 59Spotlight 11

Throw Money Down the Drain бросать деньги на ветер 60Spotlight 11

Throw/Pour Money Down the Drain Definition: Spending money wastefully or frivolously on poor quality services. Don't buy any more of that low- quality merchandise. That's just throwing, pouring money down the drain. 61Spotlight 11

Under the Weather быть больным, чувствовать недомогание 62Spotlight 11

Under the Weather Definition: Under the weather. If you are feeling ill, sad or lack energy, you are under the weather. I feel sort of under the weather today. 63Spotlight 11

Wears the Trousers верховодить в семье 64Spotlight 11

Wears the Trousers Definition: Wear the trousers. The person who wears the trousers is the dominant or controlling person in a relationship, especially the woman. His mother wears the trousers in their house! 65Spotlight 11

Two Bites of the Cherry делать вторую попытку 66Spotlight 11

Two Bites of the Cherry Definition: To have two bites at the cherry: to have another opportunity to achieve something or to get something you want. The Judge said he was giving him another chance, a second bite of the cherry. 67Spotlight 11

You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks в чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят 68Spotlight 11

You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks Definition: You can't teach an old dog new tricks. It is difficult to make someone change the way they do something when they have been doing it the same way for a long time. You're never going to teach your father at the age of 79 to use a computer. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, you know. 69Spotlight 11

You Live and Learn век живи век учись 70Spotlight 11

You Live and Learn Definition: Something that you say when you have just discovered something that you did not know. I had no idea they were related. Oh well, you live and learn. 71Spotlight 11