Verilog - Behavioral Modeling - Ando KI Spring 2009.


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Verilog - Behavioral Modeling - Ando KI Spring 2009

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 2 ) Contents Verilog behavioral model Behavioral control constructs Procedural assignments Types of procedural assignments Procedural assignment 'if-else' statement 'case' statement Looping statements: forever, repeat, while, for Procedural timing control Delay control Implicit event Named event Level-sensitive event control Intra-assignment delay/event Block statement Sequential and parallel block State machine FSM example

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 3 ) Levels of abstraction Structural levels Switch level Referring to the ability to describe the circuit as a netlist of transistor switches. Gate level Referring to the ability to describe the circuit as a netlist of primitive logic gates and functions. Functional levels Register transfer level Referring to the ability to describe the circuit as data assignment. Behavioral level Referring to the ability to describe the behavior of circuit using abstract constructs such as loops and processes. reg Combinati onal logic block

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 4 ) Verilog behavioral model Verilog behavioral models contain procedural statements. The procedural statements control the simulation and manipulate variables of the data types. The procedural statements are contained within procedures. Each procedure starts a separate activity flow. All of the activity flows are concurrent. There are two types of procedures. initial construct Starts at simulation time 0. Executes once. always construct Starts at simulation time 0. Execute repetitively.

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 5 ) Behavioral control constructs initial block One-time sequential activity flow from simulation start. Initial blocks start execution at simulation time zero and finish when their last statement executes. always block Cyclic (repetitive) sequential activity flow Always blocks start execution at simulation time zero and continue until simulation finishes. initial begin … end always begin … end always begin … end initial statement; always statement; initial begin … end

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 6 ) Procedural assignments The assignment is the basic mechanism for placing values into nets and variables. The procedural assignment It assigns values to variables. It occurs within procedures, such as always, initial, task, and function. Refer to the continuous assignment It assigns values to nets. It occurs whenever the value of the right- hand side changes. Assignment typeLeft-hand side (LHS) ContinuousNet (wire) ProcedureVariable (reg, integer, or time variable) wire [3:0] w; reg [3:0] a, b, c, d; initial a = 4h4; (c) b = c; (w) d = w; wire wire_tmp1; assign wire_tmp1 = my_value; wire wire_tmp2 = my_value;

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 7 ) Types of procedural assignments Blocking procedural assignment Shall be executed before the execution of the statements that follow it in a sequential block. Note that parallel block is made of fork/join. Note that sequential block is called begin/end block. Non-blocking procedural assignment Allows assignment scheduling without blocking the procedural flow. Can be used whenever several variable assignments within the same time step. variable = expression; variable <= expression;

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 8 ) module top; reg a, b, c; initial begin a = 0; b = 1; c = 0; end always c = #5 ~c; (posedge c) begin a <= b; b <= a; end endmodule module top; reg a, b, c, d, e, f; initial begin a = #10 1; b = #5 0; c = #15 1; end initial begin d <= #10 1; e <= #5 0; f <= #15 1; end endmodule Procedural assignment (1/3) a and b swap their value at every rising edge of c. Note that what are different with blocking and non- blocking assignments. #delay b = statement; // the execution (assignment) is delayed by delay time units. a = #delay statement; // the statement is evaluated, but the result // is updated to a after delay time units.

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 9 ) module top; reg a, b; initial begin a = 0; b = 1; a <= b; b <= a; #10 $finish; end endmodule module top; reg a; initial a = 1; initial a <= #4 0; initial a <= #4 1; endmodule Procedural assignment (2/3) The result: a = 1; b = 0; module top; reg a; initial a = 1; initial begin a <= #5 0; a <= #5 1; end endmodule a will be 1. It is determinate. The result is indeterminate, since several parallel block runs concurrently. module top; reg a; initial #20 a <= #10 1; initial #15 a <= #5 0; endmodule The result is determinate, since two parallel blocks update a in different time slot.

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 10 ) `timescale 1ns/1ns module top; reg a; reg [3:0] b; reg [3:0] i, j; initial begin for (i=0; i<=5; i=i+1) a <= # (i*10) i[0]; for (j=0; j<=5; j=j+1) # (j*10) b <= j; end initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1); #1000 $finish; end endmodule Procedural assignment (3/3) codes/verilog/behavioral/block_non a <= #0 0; a <= #10 1; a <= #20 0; a <= #30 1; a <= #40 0; a <= #50 1; #0 a <= 0; #10 a <= 1; #20 a <= 2; #30 a <= 3; #40 a <= 4; #50 a <= 5;

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 11 ) if-else statement The if-else statement is used to make a decision as to whether a statement is executed or not. The evaluation of expression will be true when the result is non-zero known value. Otherwise, false when the result is 0, x, or Z. if (expression) statement; // the statement is executed, // when the express is true. if (expression) statementA; else statementB; if (expressionA) statementA; else if (expressionB) statementB; else statementC; (sel or a or b or c or d) if (sel == 2b00) out = a; else if (sel == 2b01) out = b; else if (sel == 2b10) out = d; else out = d;

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 12 ) case statement case statement is a multiway decision statement that tests whether an expression matches one of a number of other expressions and branches accordingly. default statement shall be optional. Use of multiple default statements in one case statement shall be illegal. (sel or a or b or c or d) case (sel) 2b00: out = a; 2b01: out = b; 2b10: out = c; default: out = d; endcase If one of the case item matches the case expression given in parentheses, then the statement associated with that case item shall be executed. If all comparison fail and the default item is given, then the default item statement shall be executed. If the default is not given, then none is executed.

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 13 ) Looping statements (1/2) forever Continuously executes a statement repeat Executes a statement a fixed number of times. If the expression evaluates to unknown or high impedance, it shall be treated as zero. while Executes a statement until an expression becomes false. for If the condition results in zero, the for loop shall exit. forever statement; repeat (expression) statement; while (expression) statement; for (initial; condition; step) statement;

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 14 ) parameter size=8, longsize=16; reg [size:1] opa, opb; reg [longsize:1] result; begin : mult reg [longsize:1] shift_opa, shift_opb; shift_opa = opa; shift_opb = opb; result = 0; repeat (size) begin if (shift_opb[1]) result = result + shift_opa; shift_opa = shift_opa << 1; shift_opb = shift_opb >> 1; end begin : count reg [7:0] tempreg; count = 0; tempreg = rega; while (tempreg) begin if (tempreg[0]) count = count + 1; tempreg = tempreg >> 1; end Looping statements (2/2) for (initial_assignment; condition; step_assignment) statement; begin initial_assignment; while (condition) begin statement; step_assignment; end

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 15 ) Procedural timing control Types of timing control Delay control An expression specifies the timing duration between initially encountering the statement and when the statement actually executes. Event control It allows statement execution to be delayed until the occurrence of some simulation event occurring. Implicit event & named event

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 16 ) Delay control A procedural statement following the delay control shall be delayed in its execution with respect to the procedural statement preceding the delay control by the specified delay. If the delay_expression evaluates to an unknown or high-impedance value, it shall be interpreted as zero delay. #d rega = regb; // d is defined as a parameter # ((d+e)/2) rega = regb; // delay is average of d and e #regr regr = regr +1; // delay is the value in regr #10 rega = regb; // the execution (assignment) is delayed by 10 time units. # delay_express statement;

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 17 ) Intra-assignment delay/event An intra-assignment delay or event shall delay the assignment of the new value to the LHS, but the RHS expression shall be evaluated before the delay, instead of after the delay. repeat (event_expression); // it wait until a times events occurances. a = #intra_assignment_delay statement; // the statement is evaluated, but the result // is updated to a after delay time units.

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 18 ) Implicit event Implicit event comes from the value changes on nets and variable. Kinds of event Positive edge Towards the value 1 Negative edge Towards the value 0 If the expression evaluates to more than a 1-bit result, the edge transitions shall be detected on the LSB. // level expression statement; // edge (posedge expression) (negedge expression) rega = regb; // controlled by any value change in (posedge clk) rega = (negedge clk) rega = regb; (posedge clk or negedge reset) begin … end (posedge clk or sig1 or sig2) begin … end // equivalent or b or c or d or f) y = (a & b) | (c & d) | myfunction(f); begin // equivalent or b or c or d or tmp1 or tmp2) tmp1 = a & b; tmp2 = c & d; y = tmp1 | tmp2; end begin // equivalent or b or c or d) x = a ^ // equivalent or d) x = c ^ d; end

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 19 ) Named event Named event is also called as abstract event. The keyword event declares a new data type called event. The event trigger operator -> makes event. module flop_event (clk, rstb, data, q, qb); input clk, rstb, data; output q, qb; reg q; event rise_event; assign q_bar = (posedge clk) -> (rise_event or negedge rstb) if (rstb==1b0) q <= 0; else q <= data; endmodule

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 20 ) Level-sensitive event control wait_statement ::= wait ( expression ) statement_or_null 10 enable b a begin wait (!enable) #10 a = b; #10 c = d; end /* If the value of enable is 1 when the block is entered, the wait statement will delay the evaluation of the next statement (#10 a = b;) until the value of enable changes to 0. If enable is already 0 when the begin-end block is entered, then the assignment a = b; is evaluated after a delay of 10 and no additional delay occurs. */ 10 enable b a begin wait (!enable) a = #10 b; #10 c = d; end /* If the value of enable is 1 when the block is entered, the wait statement will delay the evaluation of the next statement (a = #10 b;) until the value of enable changes to 0. If enable is already 0 when the begin-end block is entered, then the assignment a = b; is evaluated, but its effect is delayed of 10. */ Intra-assignment delay

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 21 ) Block statements The block statements are a means of grouping two or more statements together so that they act syntactically like a single statement. Types of block statement Sequential block Begin-end block The procedural statements in it shall be executed sequentially in the given order. Parallel block Fork-join block The procedural statements in it shall be executed concurrently. Block names The block statement can be named by adding : name_of_block after the keyword begin or fork.

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 22 ) Sequential and parallel block Sequential block Statements shall be executed in sequence, one after another. Control shall pass out of the block after the last statement executes. Parallel block Statement shall execute concurrently. Control shall pass out of the block when the last time-ordered statement executes. parameter d = 50; reg [7:0] r; begin : an_example_of_seq_block #d r = h35; #d r = hE2; #d r = h00; #d r = hF7; #d -> end_wave; end parameter d = 50; reg [7:0] r; fork : an_example_of_par_block #d r = h35; #d*2 r = hE2; #d*3 r = h00; #d*4 r = hF7; #d*5 -> end_wave; join

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 23 ) State machine Mealy state machine The output logic is always a function of the current state (state vector) and the inputs. Moore state machine The output logic is only a function of the current state, i.e. inputs are not included. State vector out_signal in_signals clk Next State logic Output logic State vector out_signal in_signals clk Next State logic Output logic

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 24 ) Implementing state machine One process approach One always block for computing and updating the state vector and outputs Two processes approach Case 1 One always block for updating the state vector One always block for both the output and the next state logic Case 2 One always block for output One always block for updating the state vector and the next state logic Three processes approach One always block for updating the state vector One always block for the output logic One always block for the next state logic

Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 25 ) Contents Verilog behavioral model Behavioral control constructs Procedural assignments Types of procedural assignments Procedural assignment 'if-else' statement 'case' statement Looping statements: forever, repeat, while, for Procedural timing control Delay control Implicit event Named event Level-sensitive event control Intra-assignment delay/event Block statement Sequential and parallel block State machine FSM example See the project 02