Презентация к уроку английского языка в 3б классе МОУ «СОШ 26» г. Энгельса Учитель: Горбунова Г.В. Технический редактор: Федосеева Л.Н.
Harry Potter Robinson Crusoe Gulliver Malvina Little Red Riding Hood Cinderella Uncle Styopa
fantasy animalsadventures science fiction monsters and ghosts cooking detectives and criminals children travel story encyclopedia
Likes books about.. Miss Doris Blake fantasy Mrs Blake animals Mr Blake adventures
… doesnt like … Miss Doris Blake animals Mrs Blake adventures Mr Blake science fiction
hates … Miss Doris Blake monsters and ghosts Mrs Blake fantasy and horoscopes Mr Blake magic and wizards
doesnt mind books about.. Miss Doris Blake science fiction Mrs Blake cooking Mr Blake detectives and criminals
Likes books about.. … doesnt like … hates … doesnt mind books about.. Miss Doris Blake fantasy animals monsters and ghosts science fiction Mrs Blake animals adventures fantasy and horoscopes cooking Mr Blake adventures science fiction magic and wizards detectives and criminals
Books about…I like/ love …I dont mind …I hate … 1. animals 2. fantasy 3. adventures 4. ghosts monsters and dragons 5. wizards and magic 6. nature 7. detectives and criminals 8. science fiction 9. children
Match the name of the character with the author: 1. Robinson Crusoe 2. Tom Sawyer 3. Gulliver 4. Peter Pan 5. Pinocchio 6. Sherlock Holms 7. The Hobbit 8. Harry Potter 9. Mowgli 10. Cinderella 11. Peter Rabbit 12. Mary Poppins 13. Miss Marple a) Carlo Collody b) Mark Twain c) Daniel Defo d) Barry e) Conan Doyle f) Agatha Christie g) Beatrix Potter h) Johnathan Swift i) Travers j) Joan Rowling k) Kipling l) Tolkien m) Charle Parraut
Тестовый контроль аудирования Book character s PinocchioMalvina Little Red Riding Hood Cinderella Uncle Styopa Points Mark