Verilog - System Tasks/Functions and Compiler Directives - Ando KI Spring 2009
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 2 ) Contents Task and function Usage Form of task Task example Form of function Function example System task and function Verilog system task Verilog system function Verilog system tasks/functions (basic) Simulation control tasks Displaying information Simulation time tasks Random number generator Loading memory data from file VCD VCD handling system tasks Compiler directives define/undef include ifdef, else, endif timescale
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 3 ) Task and function (1/2) Task Declared within a module Referenced only by a behavioral within the module Can be referenced only from within a cyclic (always) or single-pass behavior (initial). Parameters passed to task as inputs and inouts and from task a outputs or inputs Local variables can be declared Recursion not supported although nesting permitted Function Implement combinational behavior No timing control # or wait is not permitted May call other functions with no recursion Reference in an expression, e.g., RHS No output or inout allowed No non-blocking assignment The purpose of a function is to respond to an input value by returning a single value. A function can be used as an operand in an expression. The value of that operand is the value returned by the function.
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 4 ) Task and function (2/2) Task A task can contain time-controlling statements. A task can enable other tasks and functions. A task can have zero or more arguments of any type. A task shall not return a value, since it creates a hierarchical organization of the procedural statements within a Verilog behavior. Function A function shall execute in one simulation time unit. A function cannot enable a task. A function shall have at least one input type argument and shall not have an output or inout type argument. A function shall return a single value, which can be scalar (single-bit) or vector (multi-bit).
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 5 ) Task and function usage example old_val new_val // task is not allowed in continuous // assignment initial switch_byte_task(old_val, new_val); always switch_byte_task(old_val, new_val); // function can be used in continuous assignment wire [31:0] new_val = switch_byte_function(old_val); initial new_val = switch_byte_function(old_val); always new_val = switch_byte_function(old_val);
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 6 ) Form of task module xxx (…); … task task_name; [input_output_inout_arguments;] statement; endtask … endmodule module xxx (…); … task task_name (in_out_inout_arguments); statement; endtask … endmodule
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 7 ) Task example codes/verilog/task_function/traffic // traffic.v module traffic_lights(clk, resetb); input clk, resetb; reg red, amber, green; parameter on = 1, off = 0, red_tics = 30, amber_tics = 10, green_tics = 20; // initialize colors. initial red = off; initial amber = off; initial green = off; (clk or resetb) begin if (resetb==1'b1) begin red = on; // turn red light on light (red, red_tics); // and wait. amber = on; // turn amber light on light (amber, amber_tics); // and wait. green = on; // turn green light on light (green, green_tics); // and wait. amber = on; // turn amber light on light (amber, amber_tics); // and wait. end // task to wait for 'tics' positive edge clocks // before turning 'color' light off. task light; output color; input [31:0] tics; begin repeat (posedge clk); color = off; // turn light off. end endtask endmodule DIY
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 8 ) Form of function module xxx (…); … function function_name; input input_arg; [input_arguments;] begin [necessary_statements;] function_name = expression; end endfunction … endmodule module xxx (…); … function [m:n] function_name; input input_arg; [input_arguments;] [necessary_statements;] function_name = expression; endfunction … endmodule Default 1-bit output. At least one input argument A function definition shall include an assignment of the function result value to the internal variable that has the same name as the function name.
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 9 ) Function example codes/verilog/task_function/factorial module top; function automatic integer factorial_auto; input [31:0] operand; integer i; if (operand >= 2) factorial_auto = factorial_auto(operand - 1) * operand; else factorial_auto = 1; endfunction function integer factorial; input [31:0] operand; integer i; if (operand >= 2) factorial = factorial(operand - 1) * operand; else factorial = 1; endfunction integer result, n; initial begin for(n = 0; n <= 7; n = n+1) begin result = factorial_auto(n); $display("%0d factorial_auto=%0d", n, result); result = factorial(n); $display("%0d factorial=%0d", n, result); end endmodule # 0 factorial_auto=1 # 0 factorial=1 # 1 factorial_auto=1 # 1 factorial=1 # 2 factorial_auto=2 # 2 factorial=1 # 3 factorial_auto=6 # 3 factorial=1 # 4 factorial_auto=24 # 4 factorial=1 # 5 factorial_auto=120 # 5 factorial=1 # 6 factorial_auto=720 # 6 factorial=1 # 7 factorial_auto=5040 # 7 factorial=1 All items declared inside automatic functions are allocated dynamically for each invocation. It is required to be enabled for recursive call. DIY
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 10 ) System tasks and system functions System tasks and system functions are commands executed by a Verilog simulator, not hardware modeling constructs. While VPI routines are functions to be used in C program. System tasks and system functions begin with $. System task -- a sub-routine procedure. System function -- a function returning a return value. Built-in system tasks and system functions These are part of Verilog language and built into Verilog simulator. Standard system tasks $display, $stop, $finish Standard system functions $time, $random User-defined system tasks and system functions Its name must start with $.
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 11 ) Verilog system task System tasks begin with $. System tasks are procedural programming statements in the Verilog HDL. Called from the followings, but not from a continuous assignment statement. initial procedure always procedure task It cannot return values, but its argument can be written. Example: (posedge clock) begin $readmemh(vectors.dat, mem); end
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 12 ) Verilog system function System functions begin with $. System functions are expression in the Verilog HDL. Called from the followings, initial procedure always procedure task function `assign continuous statement Operand in a compound expression It can return value. A value can only be written to the return from a calltf routine through vpi_put_vlaue() with vpiNoDelay. Example (posedge clock) if (chip_out!==$pow(base, exp)) … initial $monitor(output=%f, $pow(base, exp)); assign temp = i + $pow(base, exp);
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 13 ) Verilog system tasks/functions (basic) $stop Suspend simulation when it is encountered. $finish [(n)] Finish simulation when it is encountered. $time A system function $random A system function $readmemh $display(format, arg1, arg2, …); The same as $write(), but newline is always added at the end of formatted string. $monitor(format, arg1, arg2, …); Display formatted string each time any of ar1, arg2,.. changes. $write(format, arg1, arg2, …); Display formatted string in standard output when it is encountered similar to printf() of C.
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 14 ) Simulation control tasks The $finish system task simply makes the simulator exit and pass control back to the host operating system. The $stop system task causes simulation to be suspended. Thus, it can be resumed through HDL simulator dependent command. $finish [ ( n ) ] ; Parameter value: 0: print nothing 1: print simulation time and location 2: print simulation time, location, and statistics about the memory and CPU time used in simulation $stop [ ( n ) ] ; Diagnostic message will be printed when the optional argument is given. Larger argument (0, 1, 2) will print more.
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 15 ) Displaying information (1/3) $display, $write, and $monitor display their arguments. $display automatically adds a newline, while $write does not. The $display task, when invoked without arguments, simply prints a newline character. A $write task supplied without parameters prints nothing at all. $monitor automatically displays its argument whenever any value of its argument changes. Exception of the $time. The special character \ indicates that the character to follow is a literal or non- printable character. The special character % indicates that the next character should be interpreted as a format specification that establishes the display format for a subsequent expression argument. % will print %. display_tasks ::= display_task_name ( list_of_arguments ); display_task_name ::= $display | $write | $monitor list_of_arguments ::= format [| format, variable_or_expressions ]
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 16 ) Displaying information (2/3) module disp; reg [31:0] rval; pulldown (pd); initial begin rval = 101; $display("rval = %h hex %d decimal",rval,rval); $display("rval = %o octal\nrval = %b bin",rval,rval); $display("rval has %c ascii character value",rval); $display("pd strength value is %v",pd); $display("current scope is %m"); $display("%s is ascii value for 101",101); $display("simulation time is %t", $time); end endmodule rval = hex 101 decimal rval = octal rval = bin rval has e ascii character value pd strength value is StX current scope is disp e is ascii value for 101 module disp; initial begin $display("\\\t\\\n\"\123"); end endmodule \ "S Double back slash results in \ Tab New line Double quotation mark
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 17 ) Displaying information (3/3) %x is also possible.
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 18 ) Simulation time system tasks $time Returns an integer that is a 64-bit time. Fractional part will be round. $stime Returns an unsigned integer that is a 32- bit time. $realtime Returns a real number time. `timescale 1 ns / 1 ps module top; initial begin #10; timex; #20.1; timex; #0.01; timex; end task timex; begin $display("time: %d", $time); $display("stime: %d", $stime); $display("realtime: %f", $realtime); end endtask endmodule # vsim -do {run -all; quit} -c # Loading # run -all; quit # time: 10 # stime: 10 # realtime: # time: 30 # stime: 30 # realtime: # time: 30 # stime: 30 # realtime: codes/verilog/task_function/time
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 19 ) Random number generator The system function $random provides a mechanism for generating random numbers. It returns a new 32-bit random number each time it is called. The number is a signed integer, so that it can be positive or negative. Where b is greater than 0, the expression below gives a number in the following range. [(-b+1)-(b-1)]. $random % b; // random number: -59 ~ 59 reg [23:0] var_reg; var_reg = $random % 60; // random number: 00, 01, 10, 11 reg [1:0] var_reg; var_reg = $random & 2h3; // random number of 8-bits. reg [7:0] var_reg; var_reg = $random & 8hFF;
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 20 ) Loading memory data from a file (1/2) Two system tasks ($readmemb and $readmemh) read and load data from a specified text file into a specified memory. It can be called at any time during simulation. The text file shall contain only the following: White space (space, new line, tab, form- feed) Comments (// or /* */) Binary for $readmemb and hexadecimal for $readmemh Upper and lower cases are allowed. X, x and Z, z - can be used. Do not use the base format, such as 4h, 8b, and so on. Address can be specified by a hexadecimal Load_memory_tasks ::= $readmemb(file_name, mem_name [, start_addr [, finish_addr]]); |$readmemh(file_name, mem_name [, start_addr [, finish_addr]]);
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 21 ) Loading memory data from a file (2/2) reg [7:0] mem[1:128]; … initial $readmemh(mem.dat, mem); // case A initial $readmemh(mem.dat, mem, 16); // case B initial $readmemh(mem.dat, mem, 128, 1); // case C Case A: Load up the memory at simulation time 0 starting at the memory address 1. Case B: Load up the memory at simulation time 0 starting at the memory address 16. Case C: Load up the memory at simulation time 0 starting at the memory address 128 down to 1.
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 22 ) Loading memory example // memory_data.txt module rom ( cs, addr, as, oe, data ); parameter WIDTH_ADDR=3; input cs; input [WIDTH_ADDR-1:0] addr; input as; input oe; output [7:0] data; // wire [7:0] data; reg [7:0] cont; // parameter MEMORY_DEPTH=(1<<WIDTH_ADDR); reg [7:0] memory[0:MEMORY_DEPTH+1]; // … … initial begin $readmemh("memory_data.txt", memory); end endmodule address
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 23 ) VCD Value Change Dump file Containing information about value changes on selected variables in the design. It is an ASCII file. Two types of VCD Four state 0, 1, X, Z Extended All state and strength … initial begin $dumpfile(wave.vcd); … $dumpvars(…); … end … simulation (header information) (node information) (value changes) Verilog source code file 4-state VCD file User post processing
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 24 ) VCD handling system tasks (1/2) $dumpfile specifies the name of the dump file. $dumpfile( [ file_name ] ); Where file_name is optional and it will be dump.vcd if not given. It Specifies the name of the VCD file. $dumpvars specifies the variables to be dumped. $dumpvars( level, var [, var […]] ); level How many levels of the hierarchy below each specified module instance to dump to the VCD file. If level is 0, it causes a dump of all variables in the specified module and in all module instances below the specified module. Subsequent arguments specify which scopes of the model to dump to the VCD file. These argument can be entire module or individual variables within a module. initial $dumpfile(wave.vcd); initial $dumpvars(1, UmodA, UmodB.x); initial $dumpvars(0, UmodC);
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 25 ) VCD handling system tasks (2/2) Stopping and resuming the dump $dumpon $dumpoff Limiting the size of dump file $dumplimit( file_size_in_byte ); The file_size_in_byte specifies the maximum size of the VCD file in bytes. If VCD file reaches the number of bytes, the dumping stops. initial $dumpfile(wave.vcd); initial $dumplimit( ); initial $dumpvars(1, UmodA, UmodB.x); initial $dumpvars(0, UmodC); initial begin #10 $dumpvars(1, UmodA.y); #100 $dumpoff; #200 $dumpon; #300 $dumpoff; end
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 26 ) Compiler directives `define `undef `include `ifdef, `elsif, `else, and `endif `ifndef, `elsif, `else, and `endif `timescale
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 27 ) define and undef define The directive `define creates a macro for text substitution. Once a text macro name is defined, it can be used anywhere in a source description. Redefinition of a text macro is allowed and the latest definition of a particular macro read by the compiler prevails when the macro name is encountered in the source text. `undef The directive `undef is used to undefine a previously defined text macro. `define SEL_A4b0000 `define SEL_B4b0001 `define FILE_Xmy_file.txt `undef SEL_A `undef SEL_B `undef FILE_X Use back-quotation, not single quotation mark
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 28 ) `include The `include compiler directive allows one to include the contents of a source file in another file during compilation. The file name in the `include directive can be a full or relative path name. A file included in the source using the `include compiler directive may contain other `include compiler directives. The `include construct cannot be used recursively. `include my_file.v Use back-quotation, not single quotation mark
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 29 ) `ifdef, `ifndef, `else, `elsif and `endif `ifdef - `elsif - `else - `endif The `ifdef compiler directive checks for the definition of a macro. If the macro is defined, then the line following the `ifdef directive are included. If the macro is not defined and an `else directive exists, then the source is compiled. `ifndef - `elsif - `else - `endif The `ifndef compiler directive checks for the definition of a macro. If the macro is not defined, then the line following the `ifndef directive are included. If the macro is defined and an `else directive exists, then the source is compiled. `ifdef CERTAIN_MACRO `include my_first.v `elsif ANOTHER_MACRO // bla bla.. `else `include my_second.v `endif `ifndef CERTAIN_MACRO `include my_first.v `elsif ANOTHER_MACRO // bla bla.. `else `include my_second.v `endif
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 30 ) `timescale It specifies the time unit and time precision of the modules. It specifies the unit of measurement for time and delay values. It specifies the degree of accuracy for delays. Any time calculations would be internally rounded to the nearest the time precision. Its effect spans to all modules that follow this directive until another `timescale directive is read. timescale_compiler_directive ::= `timescale time_unit / time_precision `timescale 1 ns / 1 ps module xx (yy, zz); …… endmodule Char. string unitremarks sSecond- ms10 -3 secondMilli us10 -6 secondMicro ns10 -9 secondNano ps secondPico fs secondFemto Use back-quotation mark.
Copyright © by Ando KiIntroduction to Verilog-HDL module ( 31 ) Timescale examples `timescale 1 ns / 1 ns module top; initial begin #10; timex; #20.1; timex; #0.01; timex; end task timex; begin $display("time: %d", $time); $display("stime: %d", $stime); $display("realtime: %f", $realtime); end endtask endmodule # vsim -do {run -all; quit} -c # Loading # run -all; quit # time: 10 # stime: 10 # realtime: # time: 30 # stime: 30 # realtime: # time: 30 # stime: 30 # realtime: `timescale 1 ns / 1 ps module top; initial begin #10; timex; #20.1; timex; #0.01; timex; end task timex; begin $display("time: %d", $time); $display("stime: %d", $stime); $display("realtime: %f", $realtime); end endtask endmodule # vsim -do {run -all; quit} -c # Loading # run -all; quit # time: 10 # stime: 10 # realtime: # time: 30 # stime: 30 # realtime: # time: 30 # stime: 30 # realtime: Note the resolution Note the result