«Amazing creatures» Крылова Ксения Николаевна Преподаватель английского языка Нахимовское военно-морское училище
Proverbs A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A bird may be known by its song A cat in gloves catches no mice A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy
Questions for the game What is it? What colour is it? What does it look like? What is it like? What can it do? Do you like it?
1)Act out a dialogue using the phrases below. You should –ask about an animal, - describe the animal, - give a reason why you (dont) like it. a)Whats that animal over there? b) Which one? c) What does it look like? d) They are so beautiful. e) Why not? 2)Act out the dialogue using the sentences below. You should say –what pet youve got, - how old your pet is, - what problem your pet has. a)Whats the matter? b)Whats wrong with him? c) Really? How do you know? d) How old is he? e) Lets have a look at him.
Используемые ресурсы: 1. Интерактивное обеспечение к УМК Spotlight 5 класс ( Access 1) 2. Учебник УМК Spotlight 5 класс 3. hand-is-worth-two-in-the-bush/ поговорка 1http:// hand-is-worth-two-in-the-bush/ 4. d=1335:bird-may-be-known-by-its-song&catid=95: &Itemid=89 поговорка 2http:// d=1335:bird-may-be-known-by-its-song&catid=95: &Itemid= поговорка 3http://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/a_cat_in_gloves_catches_no_mice 6. ool_heavy поговорка 4http://universal_en_ru.academic.ru/352232/a_lazy_sheep_thinks_its_w ool_heavy