2 THE THINGS YOU CAN USE IN THE LESSON Автор: Грачёва Анастасия Николаевна МОУ СОШ 3 г. Гусева Калининградской обл.
3 textbook workbook [΄tekstbuk][΄wз:kbuk] cassettecoloured pencils [kə΄set] [΄kΛləd ΄penslz] rubberpencil [΄rΛbə][΄pensl]
4 pencil boxruler [΄pensl ̩ boks][΄ru:lə] CDpaints pen [ ̩ si:΄di:][΄peints] [΄pen] dictionarypencil sharpener [΄dikənəri] [΄pensl ΄a:pnə]
8 I have got (a)… in my schoolbag.
10 EnglishMathsArt (математика) (рисование) (математика) (рисование) textbookpencil paints workbookpen coloured pencils cassette, CDruler rubber dictionarypencil box pencil sharpener
12 Read the dialogues: - Could you give me a red pencil, please? - Yes. Here you are. - Thank you. - Could you give me a rubber, please? - Im afraid I left it at home (оставил дома). - Its OK. Ill ask Dasha.
13 - Could you give me (a) …, please? - Yes. Here you are. - Thank you. - Could you give me (a) …, please? - Im afraid I left it at home (оставил дома). - Its OK. Ill ask ….
14 You can use (a) …… in the lesson. Here you are.
15 Thank you!