London The name Londinium appeared in theTachins works, but most probably, it was a Romans name that was changed into the Celtic name Llyn-din which is.


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London The name Londinium appeared in theTachins works, but most probably, it was a Romans name that was changed into the Celtic name Llyn-din which is translated as a lake fortress.

Moscow One legend mentions two bibles names Mosoha, Nojas grandson, and the son of Jafeta and his wife Kva. So we can suppose that the word has come from two elements Mosk(h) and Kva. Thats why it seems attractive to think that this word may have also come from English words - "moss" and "quiet" – there are two elements as in the legend.

Manchester, Chichester, Dorchester, Colchester, Newcastle, Castletown. Directly or indirectly, they go back to the English words: Castle,Caster,Chester. These words have come from the Latin wordcastra(camp).

Winchester This name is of a complex structure and hybrid origin. On a place of that city there was a small town Kaer-Gvent("Belgorod" or White city). The Romans have altered the name into Castrum because it was more convenient for them to pronounce it. This name is of a complex structure and hybrid origin. On a place of that city there was a small town Kaer-Gvent("Belgorod" or White city). The Romans have altered the name into Castrum because it was more convenient for them to pronounce it. Then this town got the Canterbury from the English word Bury – a small city. In the V-th century of our era the name was changed to Winchester. Then this town got the Canterbury from the English word Bury – a small city. In the V-th century of our era the name was changed to Winchester.

Everton comes from the English word Ton - town Blackburn comes from the word Burn" - a stream Liverpool comes from the word Pool - a pond Oxford comes from the English word Ford – ford Edinburgh comes from the word Burgh - a small city Marlborough comes from the word Borough- a small city

Albion - is the poetic name of Great Britain This name has come from the Latin word albus-white. Latin word albus-white. It was given because of the cretaceous rocks at the coast of Dover. It was given because of the cretaceous rocks at the coast of Dover.

Bloomsbury– Блумзбери, район в центральной части Лондона назван по искаженному имени первого владельца земельного участка Блемунда (Blemund). Во многом Блумсбери напоминает знаменитый Латинский квартал Парижа. Находясь в центре Лондона – к северу от Ковент- Гардена и Сохо – район является пристанищем университетов, музеев, издательств, букинистических магазинов и библиотек. Именно здесь располагаются Британский музей – гордость Соединенного Королевства, Лондонский университет и Королевская академия драматического искусства.

Buckingham Palace, the main Royal residence in London, was built in 1703 and named after its first owner Duke Buckingham.

Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences Лондонский королевский Альберт-Холл искусств и наук - учреждение культуры, концертный зал, мемориал в память принца-консорта Альберта, построенный при королеве Виктории. Расположен в Южном Кенсингтоне, одном из районов Лондона.Альбертакоролеве Виктории Южном Кенсингтоне Лондона Принц Альберт, супруг королевы Виктории, умер от тифозной лихорадки в возрасте 42 лет 14 декабря 1861 года.

Bodleian Library Bodleian – Бодлианская библиотека Оксфордского университета и вторая по значению в Великобритании после Британской библиотеки. Основана в 1598 Библиотека носит имя сэра Томаса Бодли ( ) известного собирателя старинных манускриптов, состоявшего на дипломатической службе королевы Елизаветы. В 1410 году библиотека перешла в полное распоряжение университета, в 1450 году библиотека переехала в новые, более обширные помещения, которые сохранились по сей день. При первых Тюдорах университет обнищал, Эдуард VI экспроприировал его книжные собрания, даже сами книжные шкафы были распроданы. В 1602 году Томас Бодли не только восстановил библиотеку, но и помог ей занять новые помещения.

The word "gorod" can be divided into two English words: "Go" and "Road" The word "derevnya" can be divided into the English words: Deer" (a deer, or any animal with horns) andOwn" (the property to own)Deer" (a deer, or any animal with horns) andOwn" (the property to own) The word "selo" can be composed of two English words: See (look through) and Low"See (look through) and Low"