Формы глагола to be (быть) во временах группыSimple (Indefinite – неопределенное время)
Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple I He am She is ItWe You are TheyIHe She was ItWe You were TheyI We shall be HeShe It will be YouThey
Present Simple например Past Simple например Future Simple например He is a boy. We are students. He was in the park yesterday. We were not at home last weekend. I shell be at home tomorrow. He will not be at school next week.
Present Simple. (Настоящее простое, неопределенное время). Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма I We You V They We work in the garden every day. I We You dont +v They I dont work in the garden in bed weather. I We Do You +V They Do you work on Saturday ?
Present Simple ( с местоимениями 3-го лица, ед. числа). Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма He She + V- S It He goes to the country every summer. He She doesnt+V It She doesn't go to the theatre with us. He Doesnt She +V...? It Does your brother go to the country in summer ?
Past Simple (прошедшее простое, неопределенное время) Утвердительная форма I / We You + v-ed(v 2 ) He/ She/ It They I worked in the garden yesterday. We went to the cinema last week.
Отрицательная форма. I / We You didnt + v He/ She/ It They My father didnt work yesterday. He didnt go to the country last week.
Вопросительная форма. I / We I / We you you Did he/she/it +v..? they they Did she work in the garden last summer ? Did they go to the country last summer?
Future Simple (Будущее простое, неопределенное время). Утвердительная форма. I /We You shall /will + V He /She /It They We shall work next Saturday. They will go to the country next Sunday.
Отрицательная форма. I /We shall not will not + v will not + vYou Ht /She /It will not +v They I will not work next week. My friends will not go to the cinema next week.
Вопросительная форма. Shall I / We +v..? Will You He / she / it +v..? He / she / it +v..? they they Shall we work in the garden tomorrow? Will you go to cinema next Sunday?